Have either the feminist or the MRA been able to maintain the morale high going over the other? Personally, I have been treated a little more kindly by a few of the MRA’s than the feminist, not all fems are unkind, but I guess that just my experience.
I don’t really see a difference between either movement to be perfectly honest. Both appear, to me at least, to be willing to use baseless generalization, petty insults and outright trolling to defend or attack the opposition. Can’t say about the reporting, I have a hunch they are just reporting each other and all who seem to be affiliated with either at this point.
And while I don’t wholly agree with either group, I can say that you have to admire their single minded dedication to ticking each other off on the daily.
I haven’t been active here in a few years but not much has changed. It’s still feminists vs MRA,and it’s still join either side or GTFO. Neither one of them liked me too much.
Nice pic, Temple.
I think there are certain MRAs and certain feminists who make good points, and are objective and unbiased. Unfortunately, there are some trolls on either side who contribute to making the group as a whole look foolish. The main body of both groups (putting aside the objective contributors and the trolls) is made up (I believe) of people who do make good points, but ruin it by being totally and unashamedly biased.
I can think of many examples of both MRAs and feminists who probably haven’t answered a question here in years where they actually stuck up for the other side. Most will just give the same answers time after time, and never admit that there are some wrongs on both sides. I won’t name names, but it can be amusing to observe.
A few posters will appear to be unbiased, as they make sure never to directly contradict themselves… however, they change the way they answer a question based on the “side” which is being “wronged”!
We must not generalise about all feminists or all MRAs!
* Welcome!
“Have either the feminist or the MRA been able to maintain the morale high going over the other?”
Yes, MRAs seem to have better morale. Real feminists never seem to be happy.
Both movements are equally radical and full of people with victim mentalities. However, over the last couple of years, I will say that I’ve talked to people from both sides of the fence in Y!A that are nice as individuals. It doesn’t mean that I have to like their political ideologies. At the end of the day and probably because I was raised this way, I still find myself defending feminists more than MRA’s. I’m also having issues with the MRA movement’s stance on gay men. I find it offensive that the movement has basically turned its’ back on gay/bisexual men and allowed the 3rd wave feminist movement to hijack the gay rights movement. It’s absurd.
“And while I don’t wholly agree with either group, I can say that you have to admire their single minded dedication to ticking each other off on the daily.”
–100% agree. I also like debating with them, it can be fun!
I’ve found afew of the feminists are extremely angry people – and when pressed, will display a huge amount of contempt, disrespect and even hate for the male gender.
While MRAs may critise some womens behaviour – and some of societys double standards – I don’t believe they actually hate women. Pointing out that women are not perfect, infallible beings seems to be considered misogyny by many feminists.
*theres one user in particular (begins with R) – her every answer just comes across as so angry and bitter – genuinely hateful – and will always throw in some negative stereotypes about men for good measure – horrible stuff. She may deny it, but from her answers you can only conclude that she hates men.
I find them boring and not worth the time.
Well I drop by this section whenever I’m free and from what I’ve seen, it’s mostly full of men/MRAs asking questions and women/ feminists defending their stance. I dont know who is an activist and who is a troll, but there are a lot more trolls by men, many are hate trolls solely asked to insult women. So I will say on this section, women are more level headed and rational than men who, many of them, just go off straight to insult. Note I didn’t use the term MRA because men claim that all these trolls are not MRAs.
I never recieve harassing emails from either side. And, I’ve only been called a d**che once. *sad face*
I must try harder!!
I think the feminists are better at pretending to be sane. They slip up once in a while, though. Often, they don’t even know it.
MRA goals – EXPOSE the lies of feminism
Feminis goals – COVER UP what MRA’s are trying to expose
“Both appear, to me at least, to be willing to use baseless generalization, petty insults and outright trolling to defend or attack the opposition”
Any feminist or MRA who sees ‘the other side’ as ‘opposition’ has completely missed the point regrading civil rights and is useless to what is happening in our culture which is happening in spite of those who use the gender rights issues on this forum as a way to pass the time with bickering and getting some kind of meaningless kick out of hurling abuse.
What is said here on this forum is nonsense and most of the time it is just men and women with nothing better to do who need attention they don’t get in real life so they ask provocative questions in order to start a flame war.
This seems to offer some catharsis and add some variety to their lives.
very occasionally a user will ignite an interesting debate and a useful and interesting discussion will ensue.
Mostly, though, it is just a matter of ne’er do wells passing the time of day thumping their chests in a way they would never get away with in real life. And that goes for the Women too.
What sort of answers are you expecting exactly?
The MRAs are going to say that the MRAs maintain the moral high ground
The Feminists are going to say that the feminists maintain the moral high ground.
The “fence sitters” who claim to be neutral (but everyone knows they’re not) and going to take a swipe at both sides while still subtly revealing the side they support the most (like what you did).
It’s all so very predictable really, because no one becomes a regular on this section if they’re truly neutral enough to give an unbiased answer to this question.
People who were truly neutral would not have enough interest in the subject to put up with the crap in this section for very long.
So you’re not neutral because you dislike both sides equally?
Nice one. 😉
I very much doubt that one side would be swinging at you more than the other side unless you were showing more of a bias towards one side than the other. It’s just human nature, really.
You can lie to yourself about that, but you’re obviously not fooling the side you have the most bias against. If you don’t want them to swing at you, don’t swing at them first. It’s just that simple.
I also think it’s doubtful that you didn’t already know what each side thought about the other side. Even a newcomer can figure that out in the first hour. The only believable explanation for why a long term GS user would ask a question like this is for the purpose of stirring the pot…especially when you put your own two cents worth in and chose one side over the other then had the nerve to say “I do not agree with either side.” Suuure you don’t.
@Babies are fat
You deserve best answer, Man. You must be wearing your tinfoil hat right now to be able to think of something that awesome!
I agree that they use generalizations too frequently to try to make a point. The men tend to resort to petty senseless insults and troll more although some of those trolls are funny.
They both need to take a break once in a while and find a therapeutic hobby.
The problem is you can’t tell if people are random people or have an agenda unless you spend a lot of time on here so those are probably the ones doing the reporting.
*provides smart-sounding non-confrontational answer that bashes both sides so i don’t have to think for myself and form an opinion on the matter*
I certainly see a lot of mud slinging and trolling on both sides.
However, when I look at the more serious users on each side what I see is most MRAs never argue women should be discriminated against, while most of the feminists back policies that discriminate against males.
I see MRA exposing sexism against men…and feminist calling them “womanhating men” for speaking out against a women’s stupidity.