am 17 years old and a junior in high school. I was loosely raised Christian by two hippie parents who didn’t truly believe in it but nonetheless wanted me to experience this said religion to decide on my own, eventually when I reached the age of reason I decided I didn’t believe in Christianity or its affiliates and changed to atheism, proud atheism that is. As a young woman I am fully aware of my power and the influences I have on men however something I have always found hot and fantasized about is seducing a priest, knowing I have ultimate power over him, perhaps its my distaste of the religion he swore celibacy to, perhaps its the forbiddenness of it, all I know is I want it and hopefully one day, I will get it. To all those reading save the “pray for you” mumbo jumbo, I want to hear shared fantasies and desires, give it to me, give it all.
LOL I think you should do it.
I want to kiss a priest no biggie