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Why Are People Afraid Of Knowledge In Computer Security?

Sometimes, I find my answers reported as abusive. This seems to happen when I direct someone asking for knowledge in malware analysis or for samples (which can be downloaded practically everywhere). I think my answers are technically sound and unbiased, as it has to be, because yelling “this is evil” does noone get anywhere. And if someone wants to gather knowledge about “computer viruses”, he’ll get it from for example securitytube. So why not point future analysts in the right direction?
I would like to understand how people think, are they afraid of the knowledge itself?
Or just raging because someone spreads knowlegde instead of repeating politically corect slogans as “this is illegal” and “don’t hack, its bad” (aka moralists)?
Or is it professionals fearing for their share in the market or their “secrets”?

No Responses to “Why Are People Afraid Of Knowledge In Computer Security?”

  1. Barthem says:

    the knowledge about computer security can be found by those who do a little bit of searching, but how many times you sie a script kiddie on yahoo answheres creating a topic called “plz help me hack wifi”.
    First yahoo answeres isn’t made to learn someone to commit a punishable offense, and secondly, the “real” security students and specialists do know where to find the informating we are looking for 😉


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