Why is this? I wanted to work but I’m afraid to. I’m scared of the thought that I’m already an adult and I’m indecisive and I don’t know where I’m heading and where to go. I’m stuck. Should I get a therapy? My circadian rhythm is not in sync and I sleep late and wake up late. I’m expected to work because I’m a man and I will have a family sooner or later. There’s this local factory and they are hiring for a “Checker”. I don’t know if I’m going to go for it. I have no idea what’s its job description. Part of me is saying that I wanted to work and part of me inhibits me from applying. I’m afraid. Once I attended an interview and my stomach ached because of my nervousness and it’s like that I wanted to poo but I just kept myself relax. Men, it’s embarrassing to say this. Please help me get out of this. How to overcome this conflict? My soul is crying for an answer.
You are facing some new situations and it means a lot to you to succeed in life. Drop all the judgments against yourself and any expectations that are too high for now. Make a list of your good qualities and the options that you have.
I think part of your problem is that you don’t know exactly what you want to do. And it’s hard because there are so many choices. You need to determine what you’d like to do most, then determine what kind of jobs match up with your interests. You may have a lot of interests and that’s why you have trouble.
It can be scary finding a job when you first start out. Take some time to learn how to do the job interview, they have classes on that kind of thing. See if there is an LDS Employment Services in your local area. Or meet with an employment counselor at a job service place. They will have good information about how to do interviews and help you figure out what you’d be good and and where the jobs are for your qualifications.
It’s hard getting a job and it’s hard getting trained at a job, so you really need to apply yourself to efforts in learning more about it and then doing it. Go ahead and check out the “Checker” job just for the heck of it. You can always say no if you don’t like the description. Watch to what kinds of questions are asked. You can get some practice on job interviews that you don’t really care about.
Take some time to start getting to sleep earlier and getting up earlier so that you’re ready to go for an interview and alert to start working if needed. Here is a site with a good post on how to sleep better. http://www.nutribuff.com/healing-diet/ni…
There is a book called What Color is Your Parachute? that you should read. It tells you how to get a job in todays market. They make a different book each year to keep up with the times. For instance, the book that I read said that it works a lot better to get a job if you know someone who works there or if you volunteer to work there to help out in some way or learn all you can about the job. Then, when you are in the interview, you can demonstrate your knowledge and make a good impression.
It takes time to know where you are heading. You may enjoy working for a temporary agency so that you can try out different jobs on a short term basis and get paid well. You can figure out what type of work you enjoy best, talk to the people there and get information about how they like their job and what helpful information do they have.
Go online and read up on how to do an interview. Get the questions and think of your answers.http://www.adow.com/interview-questions/…http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outs…
Then, find someone to act as a person doing the hiring and do a role play. They can give you feedback on how to do better and you can get some good practice.
Feelings are not facts. Do the thing that you are afraid of. Bear the discomfort and comfort will come. Replace your insecure thoughts with secure thoughts. Take small steps and endorse yourself for your effort.http://www.lowselfhelpsystems.org/system…
You can get therapy if you want or you can go to some free recovery international meetings. They are non-profit and help people with nervous symptoms.http://www.lowselfhelpsystems.org/meetin…
Take some time to just be happy and watch an inspiring video. You need a break from all this worry mormon.org
I hope all goes well for you. It will help if you can make a decision and go for it, learn from it then make another one and go for it. Try Fail, Try Fail, Try Succeed