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What Would Be The Ecological Niche Of A Kingfisher?

Could you write about a paragraph or at least give me an example of a niche.
10 points for the best answer
no points if none of them are good

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  1. bee killer says:

    A niche is what an organism does in the environment or the role it plays in the food chain. The Kingfisher eats insects.

  2. John R says:

    Where do Kingfishers live? What do they eat? When do they hunt, and where do they hunt? Note that there are several different kinds of Kingfishers, depending on where you happen to be – around where I live, we have the Belted Kingfisher, which nests in burrows in sandy river banks and hunts for fish by hovering and then plunging in to nail them with its beak. In Australia, the common Kingfisher is the Kookaburra, which lives a rather different lifestyle. Among other things, it prefers terrestrial reptiles like snakes and lizards, to fish. There are very small Kingfishers in Asia, as well, and not all Kingfishers go fishing. Look up Kingfisher, decide what you want to focus on, and then start answering questions about how and where it lives. Your problem is going to be keeping it down to a paragraph instead of a whole page.


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