Orlando Shaw, Nashville Father With 22 Children By 14 Women, Sued For Unpaid Child Supporthttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/06…
A Tennessee man who has 22 children by 14 women is being sued in what might be one of Nashville’s most expensive child support cases, according to CBS affiliate WTVF.
In an interview outside court, Orlando Shaw said he loves all of his kids and considers himself a good father — it’s just that he can’t afford to pay child support.
Gawker noted that the 33-year-old appeared to have “lost count” of how many kids he has during an interview. On the whole, Shaw appeared to be both unapologetic about his circumstance and unprepared to tackle its steep financial challenges.
How is it I knew he was black before I clicked the link?
He looks stupid, and the women we got pregnant must be very stupid as well.
22 children….holy ****, that’s a lot of child support….
Oh gawd… here we go.
You’re a “racist”…
TOS Response: Orlando needs to lose his balls and his ‘girlfriends’ need to realize that this isn’t a race about who can produce more of Orlando’s kids.
And my hard earned money is going to pay for his kids since I live in Tennessee.
If prostitutes were sterilized, who would we have for president
Those people are hard to domesticate. They run around like wild animals.
Yes I wish DADDY bush had been neutered