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1. Most of the loss of biodiversity in ecosystems is caused by _____.
A water pollution
B illegal poaching
C infectious disease
D habitat destruction
2. When stores put products on sale, they are seeking to _____.
A increase demand for the product
B increase the product’s value
C sacrifice profits
D increase the product’s supply
3.Intervention by the federal government is necessary when local environmental policies and actions _____.
A exceed federal standards
B cannot be implemented
C are too expensive
D affect people in other states
4.Most home energy use goes toward _____.
A. heating and cooking
B. heating and hot water
C. hot water and appliances
D. washing clothes and cooking
5.Which describes a gene bank?
A. a secure place where seeds, plants, and genetic material are stored
B. an institution that provides funding for genetic research of endangered species
C. a place where endangered species are undisturbed by humans
D. the part of the cell that stores a blueprint for an organism’s traits
6.The lowering of the overall demand for a resource is called _____.
A. source recycling
B. conservation
C. source reduction
7.Developing nations complain that international environmental policies proposed by developed nations are almost always motivated by _____.
A. self-interest
B. contempt
C. religion
D. charity
8.Agenda 21, agreed to by participants at the Earth Summit, provides guidelines for _____.
A. sustainable development
B. preserving species
C. reducing CFCs
D. protecting forests
9.In today’s pattern of extinction, the generation of new species is unlikely because _____.
A. alien species occupy important niches
B. key animal species are being destroyed
C. most plant species are being destroyed
D. entire ecosystems are being destroyed
10.A sustainable society is based on _____.
A. demand for resources
B. conservation of resources
C. increasing wilderness areas
D. zero pollution
11.The United States buys $5 billion worth of rainforest beef each year.
Rain forest destruction is thus encouraged because _____.
A. rain forests are cleared to graze cattle
B. rainforest animals are forced to compete with cattle for food
C. rainforest soil is contaminated by cattle wastes
D. rainforest plants are consumed by cattle
12. In the last century, the extent of global rain forests has been reduced by _____.
A. one-third
B. one-tenth
C. one-fourth
D. one-half
13.The Endangered Species Act has been criticized for its emphasis on protecting only _____.
B. species
C. biomes
D. habitats
14. The products in our society that contribute the most waste are those that are _____.
A. disposable
B. aluminum
C. biodegradable
15. Why are scientists concerned that currently unknown medicinal plants may never be discovered?
A. Habitats are being destroyed faster than the plants can be discovered.
B. Current technology is unable to detect their medicinal benefits.
C. The plants’ habitats are so remote that they cannot be reached.
D. Domestic versions of the same plants will outcompete them.
16.Extinction results in _____.
A. many new animals moving into a habitat
B. greater opportunities for generalist species
C. loss of ecosystem biodiversity
D. fewer niches within ecosystems
17.Which does not lead to expansion into the rain forests of developing nations?
A. drilling for fossil fuels
B. overcrowding in cities
C. demand for rainforest products
D. shortage of food sources

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