Tag Archive | "18 years"

My Mother Haven’t Had Menstruation For 4 Months Already It Is Impossible For Her To Pregnant And Menopause.?

Alright here are the details please respect my question. My mother haven’t had her menstruation for 4 months already. She’s only 40 years old and it is impossible for her to be menopause because she had her first menstruation very late, around 18 years old or 17, that’s what she said so we both know that it is impossible for her be menopause at only 40. She can’t be pregnant as my father is in overseas. And please don’t tell me that my mom is pregnant because it is impossible i’m always with her and we never kept secret from each other. She’s only going outside to buy food in the market and mostly at home so it is impossible (So please don’t insist that my mother is pregnant). I’m really concern and nervous about this. She’s very healthy, she eats all kinds of healthy foods. As in all. So don’t tell that it’s because of her health. Please don’t tell me also to go and have her check up because we will really do that next month when my daddy arrives. I just want to have advance details and information regarding to what’s happening with my mom. Doctors and students out there who know something about this. Please inform me and enlighten me with this.. Thank you in advance. Again…… Respect my question. This is serious to me..

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Please Help…super Sad After Vacation.?

Your Open Question: Feeling super down about coming back from my vacation…please help.?
A week ago I went to stay with my brother and his wife for a week in Seattle, Washington. My brother is like 18 years older than me, I’m 14, and so we are close but not super close. I hardly ever get to see them (I mean once every 3 years or more) so I was really looking forward to this trip. After getting there, everything was amazing. It couldn’t have gone better. I got closer to my brother than ever before, got to know his wife, and got a grand tour of Seattle. I loved everything so much, I want to move to Seattle when I grow up. It was the best vacation I ever had in my life, and I was beginning to actually get into the niche of life at his house. Well, today I flew back to hot old Texas and just got home. I am so depressed and sad, I tear up every minute. I miss everything, and it makes it so hard to know I won’t see them for a long time, and we never keep in touch much. I have jet lag too, which makes everything worse. I just can’t stop thinking about how I had a wonderful time and how much I miss my brother and stuff. So, any tips? Is this normal?

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My Mother Haven’t Had Menstruation For 4 Months Already It Is Impossible For Her To Pregnant And Menopause.?

Alright here are the details please respect my question. My mother haven’t had her menstruation for 4 months already. She’s only 40 years old and it is impossible for her to be menopause because she had her first menstruation very late, around 18 years old or 17, that’s what she said so we both know that it is impossible for her be menopause at only 40. She can’t be pregnant as my father is in overseas. And please don’t tell me that my mom is pregnant because it is impossible i’m always with her and we never kept secret from each other. She’s only going outside to buy food in the market and mostly at home so it is impossible (So please don’t insist that my mother is pregnant). I’m really concern and nervous about this. She’s very healthy, she eats all kinds of healthy foods. As in all. So don’t tell that it’s because of her health. Please don’t tell me also to go and have her check up because we will really do that next month when my daddy arrives. I just want to have advance details and information regarding to what’s happening with my mom. Doctors and students out there who know something about this. Please inform me and enlighten me with this.. Thank you in advance. Again…… Respect my question. This is serious to me..

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How Can I Start A Modeling Career?

hi ^_^ Im 18 years old 5’7 and weight 121. i have a unique look to me considering im mix with american, latina and arabic.I can pass for many races. Is that good? and Yes I have model before for bridal markets but I wanna get more into victoria secret but Im real lost on who to talk to or how to get started please help :'(

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Weight-loss Help For Teen?

I’m 18 years old and 5’5. This past summer I vowed to live a healthy lifestyle and to lose as much weight as I can since I’ve been very overweight since a child. I weighed about 173, and currently at about 156 and I could not be more proud of myself. I try to go to the gym about 3 times a week, and usually on the ellipticals because running isn’t my niche yet. I do challenge myself still, but it seems that I have hit a plateau and I am open to suggestions to further me in my weight loss. Prom/bikini season is coming up and I want to look my best. Right now I have a content goal of 5 more pounds, and then I will see where things take me. I also don’t lift weights at my gym because I feel super intimidated around the guys and feel like an idiot when I try to figure out the machine.
Any suggestions/stories are appreciated!

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What State Am I A Legal Resident Of?

I was born in New Jersey and have lived there for 18 years of my life. After high school I moved straight to Washington state for college. I am applying for FAFSA yet again for the next year. I have a driver’s license from New Jersey yet I live in Washington and I plan on living there at least until I graduate. Which state do I affiliate myself being a permanent resident of since I have the driver’s license from New Jersey yet live in Washington?

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