Tag Archive | "alot"

Do You Think I Might Make It As A Comedian?

I aspire to be a stand up comic, i listen to alot of stand up comedy (i am listening to one of my favorite comedy channels on pandora right now) and i want to know what my chances are of making it and publishing a few albums. I can’t give you guys an example of course because most of comedy is in the delivery. However everyday i do about fifteen uninterupted minuites of standup on the bus every day (i am in high school so this is to an audience of my peirs i’m not just some jackass yelling humour at strangers on the grey hound) and almost all of it gets great responses and i am hoping to play an open mic night somewhere (sugestions would be great, my schools open mic nights are out of the question as my material is very inapropriate) but what do you think the chances are that i could grow up, move to new york, find my niche and be successful as a comedian.

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My Father Is Verry…?

Agressief. See i love him he is a good guy with a good heart who believes in honor and respect. He is also religous i am like him, we share the same personality but i look like my mum. When i do somthing bad he is verry angery when i give him stupid answers he freeks out want’s to hit me but he holds back. So i can’t talk how i want to. Now we have a problem he says go studie i want to studie but 1 thing i am in my senior year and i am going to have summer vacation of 3 months. I want to get my licens for my scooter but he doesnt want to cauze he thinks i will get alot of tickets like my brorher. He want’s to protect me but i want to expand my self in economy on my own. I dont want to work al the time on a super market i want to deliver fast food so i can get alot of money. But he is verry ignorent he doesnt give me his blessing to do it so i keep failibg. This day i had my exams for my scooter he took me with my mum to hospital and i missed it. I lost 50 bucks for no reason. We have a good economy situation but he want’s me to studie ( i want to but i dont have money i want to do somthign for 3 months and make alot of money so i can relax) what should i do i realy want my scooter i reserved my exams in secret but i missed it. Now i have like 50 bucks and i dont know should i go get it ore wait. And i also have alot of not good grades and i also think i am not going to pass my exams

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Am I Mentally Unstable? (read Details)?

OK, so I’m a 15 year old freshman. I don’t quite know how to express how I feel because I feel that I cannot explain how I feel… well anyway here it goes.
I feel like I’m gripping a different reality. A reality where everything not Okay, well a reality were nothing is OK. Let me elaborate In my world nothing matters, but people want some kind of reason to hang on. So they make up all this stupid ****. And by stupid **** I mean different cultures. Were all just bored so as a coping mechanism our minds just occupy made up niches. Everything is totally neurological. There is no universal right or wrong, Because who gets to establish right and wrong? (Don’ throw any God **** at me, It’s insulting…)
Sometimes I feel anxious and nervous for no particular reason. I think of suicide and death a lot. I think of killing my self for very minor reasons, like having to do an essay and present it. something along those lines. I am very easily irritated. I know I should not be self conscious, because there is no reason to be. And I know that what I just wrote is totally irrational.
I also have deja vu alot if that means anything.
So am I mentally unstable or am I just being a teenager(hormonal stuff)? Or am I just bored like everyone else?

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I Started A New Job A Month Ago And Some Of My New Coworkers Have Been Getting On My Nerves…?

At first I said nothing because I was still in training even though I have had 4 years experience in the line of work, now the women are starting to knit pick on alot of stuff and even 1 gentleman has started to do the same. I have been polite and bit my tongue alot. My boss did make a comment that he knows the females there can be a little bossy at times and that I just need to find my niche`. Today one other female called me over the phone to let me know that there was someone sitting in an unauthorized area. (I work Security). I did see the person but they had been in no danger or threat but I asked him to move anyway.Then I get done hanging up the phone and she calls back to remind me to return keys before I left. ( I was filling in for someone else at their locked office) I told her I would not forget and she asked me what exit I was using and I told her and she said I was not permitted to use it because it was under construction, I told her the boss had left me in the same door so I was leaving out of it. She said to watch that no other employees saw me. I told I was not dingy and I would keep an eye out. She made sure I knew she didn’t want to be accused of calling me dingy. I left for my other location a few minutes early because I swore I was going to lose my temper! I mentioned my situation to another coworker who actually trained me and he said those people need to mind their own work and not go after me. He told me to report it to the boss. I figure I should just put up with it a few more weeks and establish myself and if they don’t get the hint then…go to the boss and then complain. Any ideas of how I should go about establishing myself and what to say to these people so they will leave me alone so I can do my work?

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Do You Like This Sort Of Person?

You know in a group each person has their own niche one’s the glamorous one, another one is smart, one’s funny I’m not really any of these and I wanted to reinvent my self 2012 So does sound like a nice choice
I want to be the stuck up one.
The Rich one.
The one that is better than everyone else,
The lucky one
The one that life seem’s better than anyone else.
The one who get’s A’s but doesn’t seem to study!
**You see we are kinda poor, we have nice things but we skimp alot like cheap food, cars and stuff, but I’m the youngest therefore the spotlit one so I get all the nice things blackberrys, designer cloths, But I hate when I see people who think their better than me! I want to be the eny I’m a guy btw

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Rich Kid Who Can’t Afford An Xbox 360, Why Not?

i know this one 21 year old guy. He’s got alot of money i’m sure. He’s a swing trader and an investor in stock markets plus he runs his own affiliate marketing online business. He simultaneously follows the markets everyday and runs his business, smart guy. When it comes to days off he says he likes video games and wants an xbox 360 but can’t afford to spend so much money on a video game. What i don’t understand is if he has the money to put in $5000+ once a month for investments and trading why can’t he afford to get $200 xbox, is he just being cheap?

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