Posted on 18 May 2012. Tags: acts of war, american, american citizen, Blur, Citizen, congressional effort, constitutional law, domestic courts, indefinite detention, legal practices, loss, military courts, person, speedy trial, subversion
It’s exceptionally important to maintain existing legal standards, that already address an American citizen functioning with alien interests. That distinction is recognized in the charge of “treason”, which makes an American a foreign actor–instead of a citizen.
This is exceptionally important as it relates to the standing rights of average Americans. In domestic courts as well as military courts, each person is already entitled to a trial–that has never been legitimately revoked. Foreigners charged with attacking Americans, are maintained in courts designated for foreign actors.
Should a charge against an American be that they are alien or treasonous–they are charged in the domestic court unless they are affiliated with a foreign entity.
Should there be an inversion of the domestic legal standards (speedy trial vs indefinite detention w/o trial) it is the subversion of Constitutional law that takes the greatest loss.
That subversion is being presented in this Congressional effort.
The greater loss is extended to the American people, and not those who attack the USA. An error of judgment or special interest as dictated by an authority, is a potential for a great loss that cannot fairly be overcome through existing legal practices.…
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 24 February 2011. Tags: american citizen, beirut, beirut lebanon, door, flat screen displays, font, front, glass front, model, provocative imagery, sales reps, secret lingerie, store, subliminal advertising, xxx shop
Okay so here’s the situation…
I am an american citizen born in Beirut Lebanon, I saved up enough cash to buy a store, decorate it to look like a Victoria’s secret store excellent lighting, the same drawer system as Victoria’s secret, got the VS merchandise only issue I have…. well….
the store is in Beirut Lebanon, smack in the middle of Islam wonderland… where showing an advertisement of a model showing any kind of skin would result in that poster getting sprayed black by (sex deprived loons)
I did my research, VS products are in high demand by the women here, I can get VS products from the states on a regular basis , the rules are as follows I am unable to show any sexually provocative imagery to the outside (Basically think of it as a XXX shop in the states) with an all black entrance and just the recognized big XXX on the front door…
Obviously i spent a bit of cash on the decor of the store and the way the store runs to have it blocked out from public and being unable to advertise what I’m selling….
the good side to this whole thing…. I can show anything i like on the inside i just need to get the customers to go in…. once they are in… I got the trained commission hungry sales reps waiting and the exotic erotic video’s playing on flat screen displays showing models prancing around wearing what i’m selling to keep em entertained and intrigued and locked in the store for the longest amount of time to allow for impulse buys…..
to make this happen I had to design the front of the store as follows … an all glass front door on side the other side is blocked by a shiny black display preventing people from seeing in….
now…. being that it’s in lebanon I have the following benefits… no copyright laws, no subliminal advertising laws, basically no laws… lol I can do anything with this huge bulletin board thats the front of my store…. as long as it does not display any images of half naked women….
I was thinking of something to do with negative command’s…. with the words (Victoria’s Secret) in the font and color used on their logo in the middle of a paragraph in smaller font with different color something along the lines of “A poster with one of the most beautiful sexy model wearing the same (Victoria’s Secret) lingerie that’s sold inside goes here”
as you can see…. this type of technique forces you to visualize the sexy model in your head as you read it… and being that people wouldn’t wanna read this much on bulletin the words (Victoria’s Secret) in big pink font is in the middle of the sentence and the board enough to attract the right customers and also as an added bonus it tells you that whatever you visualized her wearing is exactly what I’m selling inside….. …
I need feedback advise and critique i also need to perfect that sentence make it short, gets the point across and as influential as humanly possible …
hope this is challenging enough for all you marketing/advertising hot shots…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 21 February 2011. Tags: american citizen, beirut, beirut lebanon, door, flat screen displays, font, front, glass front, model, provocative imagery, sales reps, secret lingerie, store, subliminal advertising, xxx shop
Okay so here’s the situation…
I am an american citizen born in Beirut Lebanon, I saved up enough cash to buy a store, decorate it to look like a Victoria’s secret store excellent lighting, the same drawer system as Victoria’s secret, got the VS merchandise only issue I have…. well….
the store is in Beirut Lebanon, smack in the middle of Islam wonderland… where showing an advertisement of a model showing any kind of skin would result in that poster getting sprayed black by (sex deprived loons)
I did my research, VS products are in high demand by the women here, I can get VS products from the states on a regular basis , the rules are as follows I am unable to show any sexually provocative imagery to the outside (Basically think of it as a XXX shop in the states) with an all black entrance and just the recognized big XXX on the front door…
Obviously i spent a bit of cash on the decor of the store and the way the store runs to have it blocked out from public and being unable to advertise what I’m selling….
the good side to this whole thing…. I can show anything i like on the inside i just need to get the customers to go in…. once they are in… I got the trained commission hungry sales reps waiting and the exotic erotic video’s playing on flat screen displays showing models prancing around wearing what i’m selling to keep em entertained and intrigued and locked in the store for the longest amount of time to allow for impulse buys…..
to make this happen I had to design the front of the store as follows … an all glass front door on side the other side is blocked by a shiny black display preventing people from seeing in….
now…. being that it’s in lebanon I have the following benefits… no copyright laws, no subliminal advertising laws, basically no laws… lol I can do anything with this huge bulletin board thats the front of my store…. as long as it does not display any images of half naked women….
I was thinking of something to do with negative command’s…. with the words (Victoria’s Secret) in the font and color used on their logo in the middle of a paragraph in smaller font with different color something along the lines of “A poster with one of the most beautiful sexy model wearing the same (Victoria’s Secret) lingerie that’s sold inside goes here”
as you can see…. this type of technique forces you to visualize the sexy model in your head as you read it… and being that people wouldn’t wanna read this much on bulletin the words (Victoria’s Secret) in big pink font is in the middle of the sentence and the board enough to attract the right customers and also as an added bonus it tells you that whatever you visualized her wearing is exactly what I’m selling inside….. …
I need feedback advise and critique i also need to perfect that sentence make it short, gets the point across and as influential as humanly possible …
hope this is challenging enough for all you marketing/advertising hot shots…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 18 February 2011. Tags: american citizen, beirut, beirut lebanon, door, flat screen displays, font, front, glass front, model, provocative imagery, sales reps, secret lingerie, store, subliminal advertising, xxx shop
Okay so here’s the situation…
I am an american citizen born in Beirut Lebanon, I saved up enough cash to buy a store, decorate it to look like a Victoria’s secret store excellent lighting, the same drawer system as Victoria’s secret, got the VS merchandise only issue I have…. well….
the store is in Beirut Lebanon, smack in the middle of Islam wonderland… where showing an advertisement of a model showing any kind of skin would result in that poster getting sprayed black by (sex deprived loons)
I did my research, VS products are in high demand by the women here, I can get VS products from the states on a regular basis , the rules are as follows I am unable to show any sexually provocative imagery to the outside (Basically think of it as a XXX shop in the states) with an all black entrance and just the recognized big XXX on the front door…
Obviously i spent a bit of cash on the decor of the store and the way the store runs to have it blocked out from public and being unable to advertise what I’m selling….
the good side to this whole thing…. I can show anything i like on the inside i just need to get the customers to go in…. once they are in… I got the trained commission hungry sales reps waiting and the exotic erotic video’s playing on flat screen displays showing models prancing around wearing what i’m selling to keep em entertained and intrigued and locked in the store for the longest amount of time to allow for impulse buys…..
to make this happen I had to design the front of the store as follows … an all glass front door on side the other side is blocked by a shiny black display preventing people from seeing in….
now…. being that it’s in lebanon I have the following benefits… no copyright laws, no subliminal advertising laws, basically no laws… lol I can do anything with this huge bulletin board thats the front of my store…. as long as it does not display any images of half naked women….
I was thinking of something to do with negative command’s…. with the words (Victoria’s Secret) in the font and color used on their logo in the middle of a paragraph in smaller font with different color something along the lines of “A poster with one of the most beautiful sexy model wearing the same (Victoria’s Secret) lingerie that’s sold inside goes here”
as you can see…. this type of technique forces you to visualize the sexy model in your head as you read it… and being that people wouldn’t wanna read this much on bulletin the words (Victoria’s Secret) in big pink font is in the middle of the sentence and the board enough to attract the right customers and also as an added bonus it tells you that whatever you visualized her wearing is exactly what I’m selling inside….. …
I need feedback advise and critique i also need to perfect that sentence make it short, gets the point across and as influential as humanly possible …
hope this is challenging enough for all you marketing/advertising hot shots…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 08 October 2010. Tags: "self, american citizen, american politics, Citizen, controvesial issues, corporate ladder, homosexuals, medical research, national defence, pro abortion, reading, religious roots, Republican, sense, success failure
I’ve been reading into American politics lately, and although I am not an American citizen, I find it interesting to get a sense of what America and its citizens are going through right now (politically, economically, etc.).
Anyway, I keep reading about both political parties, and I am having a hard time classifying myself with a party.
I am usually on the fence on most matters, because I believe that in todays world, it is every man for himself. However, I do value traditiod and family. I also believe strongly in educating one self and establishing a good career.
I like the idea of smaller governments because I have seen many low-income people abuse and take advantage of government social programs (for example, welfare). I think governments should not intervene ALOT in people’s lives, but do so only when necessary. I believe that people’s success/failure depends ENTIRELY on their actions. For instance, if you are in need of some cash, then get a job and work hard…and move up the corporate ladder.
I am mostly neutral on controvesial issues. I am pro-abortion simply because I think we have a choice in deciding whether to bring a life into this world or not (please dont bother arguing with me about this, I dont have time to explain my beliefs over the internet to you). I believe in having a strong military/national defence, but I also think that money needs to be invested in the infrastructure of a country in order to improve quality of life.
I support the advancement of medical research. I don’t have anything against homosexuals.
I am not insanely religious, but I do remember my religious roots and ties (I give my family more value than my religion). I am a strong believer of karma and I live by the moto ‘live and let live”, therefore I think everyone should mind their own business, and stop imposing their beliefs on others (I am looking at you christians who keep knocking on my door asking me to consider christianity as my religion lol–no offence but it gets annoying. please stop).
I believe everything should be done in moderation. I don’t like extremes.
…okay so that was my little rant. Now, what political category should I affiliate myself with?
Posted in Featured Articles