Posted on 29 December 2012. Tags: anger, anything, boss, bright idea, idea, mummery, trouble, Winter, winter storms
I have enough trouble keeping track of the summer ones, and now the winter ones that aren’t even shaped like anything are being given names? I have to wonder whose bright idea that was, or maybe who was trying to impress the boss by naming a storm after him. Was this necessary? Was this crying out to be done?
Please help me because I am suffering from free-floating anger at needless bureaucratic mummery.
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Posted on 23 October 2012. Tags: 10 years, Adult, anger, belongings, End, everything, fight, matter, middle east, money, pacifist, Parents, Reason, short end of the stick, skin color
I have had this problem since I was about 10 years old. If I were to get in a fight in school, no matter who started it, I always got in more trouble then the other kid. The teacher would tell me “Others kids wouldn’t hit you for no reason”. Apparently I hit other kids for no reason according to the teacher who wasn’t even there to see the fight. As I got older I stayed under the pressure of being picked on for my skin color.
My mother use to take her anger out on me and my sisters when I was little and she would call it disciplined, but, was really hitting me to take out her anger that she had from problems she caused my father, such as trying to divorce him for all his money which he always kept his belongings in his brothers name so it never mattered what she did, thus, failed to get what she wanted in the divorce.
When I moved to a non-racist city, I got picked on by people who were gang affiliated at young ages like 14 years old. Teachers let these kids do whatever they wanted in these schools and everyone got away with everything. I was a pacifist type, but, I wanted to get into boxing. My parents denied me sports my childhood
At the age 16, I had moved into a new school. That was the only school I had no problems with anyone.
Heres another fact, anything I use to write that was personal as a child (I’v lived in the us almost my entire life and only ever left for 6 months to the middle east). Even now as an adult if I hide something I write about someone else, they will always find it. People always seem to test me as well by doing things to piss me off. I as an adult feel that I will get the same results I have always gotten as a child. It seems to be getting worse. Everything I write gets looked at no matter where I hide it or how I encrypt it. Someone will quote it while talking to me as if they are going through my private things. Someone doing something never equals me doing the same thing. If someone bullshits about an experience they had, everyone buys it like jackasses. If I tell the truth about experiences I have, people who never even been to my house think that they know everything about me and I must be full of ****, even though they just met me. People look at me and judge me as they do anyone. Clearly this is the nature of more then 9/10th of the people I meet.
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Posted on 28 September 2012. Tags: Abilities, anger, calling my name, Came, dream, left leg, lucid dreams, morning, old woman, organized religion, stress, telekinetic abilities, Told, yerington nevada
Ok here’s the deal, I have ALOT of lucid dreams where I have telekinetic abilities, Every night. With every dream the powers get stronger, and I learn how to control them more. Well, A woman came up to me tonight (This morning at around 1:20) out of nowhere and stopped me by calling my name. I’ve never seen her before nor have I ever met her. The only thing she said to me verbatim was “You know those dreams you have where you have unimaginable abilities? It’s for a reason, they will manifest to you in this dimension sooner than you think” and she disappeared after I continued walking, she wouldn’t even reply to my questions. After I asked her “How do you know what I dream” I turned around and she was gone. Keep in mind I live in rural Yerington, Nevada and there was absolutely nowhere to go for an old woman with a limp in her left leg and being a total of probably 5 foot 5. She was walking right behind me, I asked the question turned around and she was gone. I was wondering if anybody else has ever had this happen to them? Same with the constant lucid dreams with psychokinetic abilities? Sometimes when I’m awake and I’m angry, yelling at somebody something around me would either fall or break.
You don’t have to believe me, if you’re affiliated with any kind of religion, keep your opinions to yourself. Cause quite frankly… I don’t believe your religion and you don’t believe in my lack of organized religion.
I was just wondering if anything like this has happened to anybody that can also let me know how to control this “ability” instead of it only happened when I’m under some sort of stress or anger.
Much obliged.
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Posted on 10 June 2011. Tags: anger, bama, Name, person, Question.
Or other words like that? Do you think it’s productive, do you think it’s going to change people’s opinions? Are you just expressing your anger towards the person or group in question by changing their name or are you just trying to make sure that people know who you are affiliated with?
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Posted on 15 May 2011. Tags: amount of time, anger, Cheated, couple, day at a time, girlfriend, girls, guilt, guy, having sex, honest answers, multiple times, one day at a time, sex, son
Im going to be honest I have not been the good guy but what i need is honest answers. Me and my girlfriend have been together almost 9 years and even though i love her i have cheated throughout these years a lot. We have a son together who is now two. Couple of months ago she admitted to having sex with someone else out of anger (after once again catching me affiliating with a girl I cheated on her with multiple times) . After realizing now after all this time that i don’t want to lose her and i want to settle down, move in together and raise our son I’ve become insecure. Im always thinking now why isn’t she texting me back, why hasn’t she called me in X amount of time, where is she? etc etc… It’s weird because when i was cheating i didn’t think of ANY of this. I didn’t care didn’t even want to be on the phone with her for more than 1 minute.This is due to me talking to various girls and not caring, but now that im focused just on her its hard. I think my problem is because I know ALL the stuff I’ve done behind her back(which is A LOT) and i’m afraid now im going to be played. She assures me that she loves me and wants to marry me too but i think its my own guilt that’s playing me right now. What do I do? just take it one day at a time? learn to trust? I’m really trying to get my act together PLEASE HELP
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