Posted on 06 June 2013. Tags: Always, Anime, Consistently, Stereotyped, West
I always see anime and manga getting stereotyped outside Japan. In any Western fiction, anime is always stereotyped to gross levels, in which ignorance is clearly displayed. Even the how to draw books on anime and manga always feature second-rate illustrations or worse, and feature highly stereotypical depictions. Why is this?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 14 March 2013. Tags: Anime, Believe, Characters, Easily, Japanese, People, Them, White
Again, I recently witnessed this kind of questions “Why anime characters are white?”.
The reason why I ask this question is because most of Japanese never think anime characters are white people. Because I can read Japanese forum and live there. But many questions are submitted in English forums like this.
Why do the anime characters don’t look like japanese people?;…
and this
Why do anime characters always look caucasian?;…
and I found many Youtube videos insisting “anime characters are Caucasian”, many and many…
They are nonsense because I know Japanese common people’s reactions. Most of them are just surprised and laughed, for the question. “Are you okay?”,”Caucasians are insane.”
I wish all you can read Japanese and live here, you would realize anime characters are just a fantasy drawings, which are idealized as Japanese ideal* plus commic sense(random hair and random color and various character set-ups).
(*You can see what kind of outlook Japanese love in Japanese idols. For example, AKB48 or Visual kei singers, try google……
We suppose anime characters’ nationality as their set-ups in stories, most of them are Japanese or alien who come from some wonderful country or a world..
I know white young people’s beauty(Japanse don’t say cute) and know their popularity in Japan, but it is not so means white youth are not for Japanese to prior them to Japanese adult or teen stars, also white youth don’t have enough power to be anime characters eliminating Japanese self-conciousness. I mean they are just niche.(very sorry to be mean but I like their appearances too)
I am here to warn its pitifulness for SOME white people saying “We are envied much by Japanese people”…
I admit to some extent, but don’t you misunderstand anime and Japanese culture much?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 18 February 2013. Tags: Anime, Recommendations
I have just finished watching Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and I ABSOLUTELY love the series! However, I am not into any mainstream shounen animes such as Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece, as I find them rather boring. I appreciate philosophical animes like Ghost in the Shell, and Eden of the East (the series has very interesting themes about idealism and justice, and it even doubles as a Biblical allusion to the 12 apostles). I generally gravitate towards niche animes, although I found Last Exile incredibly tedious.
For some reason though, I watched Panty and Stocking, and it was absolutely hilarious despite the fact that it is like an R-rated version of Powerpuff Girls.
What animes would be recommended for someone such as myself who has a plethora of tastes, some of which are seemingly contradictory?
(As an aside, I have also watched the entire “Avatar: The Last Airbender” series, and its sequel. I know this doesn’t count as anime, but I just wanted to make sure I don’t get any recommendations for shows I have already watched)
I don’t mind taking manga or comic series suggestions as well. I have finished reading the latest issue of Deadman’s Wonderland, and I also like it very much.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 12 August 2012. Tags: Anime, anime series, Better, Host, humour, ouran high host club, personality, series, uniqueness, wallflower
I’m really pedantic about my anime, and usually like serious psychological kinds, but I am really enjoying Ouran High Host Club.
My question is what’s an anime that is even better than the already amazing Ouran High Host Club?
I loved the eccentric humour, and thought it was placed brilliantly with the characters. They all had personality, and just the overall uniqueness delivered from such an Anime; I find it hard to believe that there would be another series that could contend with it — this is why I brought the question forth onto here.
Please don’t list or affiliate or associate any anime that are linked with Vampire Knight, that is horrible. I don’t even consider it anime 
I’ve heard people make comparison between Ouran and The Wallflower frequently? Would that be the most similar anime series to Ouran? If not, then what would be?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 31 May 2012. Tags: Anime, face, Look, Name, niche, sister, Tegami
(Both Niche and her sister does this):…
They do this look with their nose popped up!What’s the name!?!?!D:
Also,if you don’t know the specific name what would you call it?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 11 May 2011. Tags: amp, Anime, Content, episode, episode soundtrack, Manga, niche, soundtrack, Topic
Hey all
1-i would like to know the top 20 manga that people love to read right now
2-can you suggest me 6 categories anime topic that i can insert into my blog
(episode/soundtrack/movies…)i still need 3 more categories …and the content of
my blog is videos(Vlog)….so i need 6 categories of videos that relating with anime niche.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101