Tag Archive | "assumption"

What’s Your Stance On Gun Control?

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I’m just curious if the left and right are really that divided when it comes to gun control. That is, neither side wants a full ban on guns, rather more strict regulations when purchasing firearms and banning things like hi-cap magazines.
This is just an inquiry, I may be wrong in my assumption.

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What’s Your Stance On Gun Control?

State the party you affiliate yourself with as well, please…
I’m just curious if the left and right are really that divided when it comes to gun control. That is, neither side wants a full ban on guns, rather more strict regulations when purchasing firearms and banning things like hi-cap magazines.
This is just an inquiry, I may be wrong in my assumption.

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Indicate Which Accounting Assumption Or Conventions Have Been Violated In The Following Situations And Justify?

1. In order to save time and reduce paperwork, Mr.X keeps only one set of records, combining his personal and business records. Accounting assumption or convention violated?
2.Because management wants to make a good impression upon the corporation’s stockholders, management has decided to list the land on the balance sheet at its current market value which is twice as much as the corporation paid for the land when it was purchased five years ago.
Accounting assumption or convention violated?
3.A lawsuit has been filed against the company seeking $50 million in damages for customer injuries. Because management is concerned that news of the lawsuit would depress the price of the company’s stock, they have decided to keep the lawsuit a secret from their stockholders.
Accounting assumption or convention violated?

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Blogging Do I Have This Right Or Am I All Wrong?

I was under the assumption that blogging on random topics just to hear others’ opinions who read it will help me make money but I think I had this whole thing wrong. Correct me if I am wrong but there are 2 types of bloggers 1. the ones who just blog to get their opinions out and voices heard and have no intentions of making money and those who want to make money and will only blog related to products they are advertising as affiliates to earn some residual income. So the latter would be the right way to go to make money not the first where you are just posting to make a stand on a subject matter since there is no product you can promote related to your random topic discussion….am i right

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