Posted on 10 January 2012. Tags: audience, cannot, competitions, Elections, Essay, future life, job, moroccan society, person, Translation
How important is public speaking in our future life?
It is no secret the importance that public speaking is gaining in our future life. There are many people cannot express their skills and performers because they fear to speak in the public. However, public speaking is an important process which all should achieve it in order to be a successful person.
There are many job markets depend basically on public speaking and select only people who have the ability to show their skills and performers in a public. For example, teaching competitions and translation institute. However, there are many unemployed people in Moroccan society; most of them employed because they did not express their skills in competition which I mentioned it before , because the latter depend completely on public speaking. So, know how to speak in public help us to get a job and also help us to do this job in a good way.
Public speaking also helps us in our daily life. Know how to speak in a public give many benefits to an individual. It is needed in many ways of life such as when we want to participate in elections, and also when we go to the court.
All work places and competitions give a big interest on public speaking process. Only people who can express their skills and experience in front of audience could be successful in their life.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 31 December 2011. Tags: 49ers, Answer, audience, big game, casual fans, fetish, Mania, mindset, Orton, percent, Punk, sports entertainment, steelers, storytelling, Wwe
I truly have so answer to this. WWE is in the mix of maybe taking the title off Punk and word has developed that they MAY draft him to Smackdown to increase starpower. I feel WWE has isolated it’s hardcore audience and by doing so, the casual fans are mostly left. 40 percent of the audience are women and children. They seem to only pop for Cena and Orton. What needs to change. I really don’t want to see Cena with the title at Mania, but it may just happen. I feel that this “sports entertainment storytelling” needs to stop. Cole is so annoying I have to either mute the tv. With his yelling, bashing, Twitter fetish, and him trying to be a heel, really makes me want to not watch. Also last week had a big game between the Steelers and 49ers. What ways do you feel may increase ratings, as of now, Punk is not the answer, and as much as it pains me, in the WWE’s mindset it’s hard to market him. Thoughts?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 30 December 2011. Tags: audience, creative envelope, days of our lives, Federation, jerry springer, parental discretion, responsible television, soap operas, strict confines, television, television producers, world wrestling federation, Wrestling, WWF, wwf programs
“It has been said that anything can happen here in the World Wrestling Federation, but now more than ever, truer words have never been spoken. This is a conscious effort on our part to “Open the Creative Envelope”, so to speak, in order to entertain you in a more contemporary manner. Even though we call ourselves “Sports Entertainment” because of the athleticism involved, the keyword in that phrase is “Entertainment”. The WWF extends far beyond the strict confines of sports presentation into the wide open environment of broad based entertainment. We borrow from such programs niches like soap-operas, like “The Days of Our Lives”, or, music videos such as those on MTV, Daytime talk-shows like “Jerry Springer” and others, cartoons like “The King of The Hill” on FOX, Sitcoms like “Seinfeld”, and other widely accepted forms of television entertainment. We, in the WWF, think that you, the audience, are quite frankly, tired of having your “intelligence insulted”.We also think that you’re tired of the same old simplistic theory of “Good Guys VS Bad Guys”. Surely the era of “The super-hero urge you to say your prayers and take your vitamins” is definitely, passe. Therefore, we’ve embarked on a far more innovative and contemporary creative campaign, that is far more invigorating and extemporaneous than ever before. However, due to the live nature of “RAW” and the “WarZone”, we encourage some degree of parental discretion, as relates to the younger audience allowed to stay up late. Other WWF programs on USA, such as “The Saturday Morning LiveWire”, and “Sunday Morning Superstars”, where there’s a 40% increase in the younger audience obviously, however, need no such discretion. We are responsible television producers who work hard to bring you this outrageous, wacky, wonderful world known as the WWF. Through some 50 years the World Wrestling Federation has been an entertainment main-stay here in North America, and all over the world.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 11 November 2011. Tags: audience, capital markets ltd, commercial finance, Corporate, corporate finance, edge, Finance, finance investment, finance services, financial consultants, global clientele, investment consultancy, Ltd, project finance, worldwide audience
SMIFS Capital Markets Ltd offers exclusive and cutting edge corporate finance investment consultancy and services to a worldwide audience. SMIFS capital provides corporate financial consultants, legal advisory consultants, project finance services, commercial finance services and the like. Corporate finance is our niche and has been specializing in offering advisory services to a global clientele.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 08 November 2011. Tags: audience, basis, blue eyes, broad shoulders, Dearest, elbow, humble servant, madman, minded father, naught, pocket watch, single man, single men, stool, way
Before you read please keep in mind I just randomly started writing…there’s no basis. XD Also, if he seems weird, he was meant to be that way.
What do I need to improve on? I know for a fact there’s something. XD Thank you very much!
“I am but a humble servant to the King, his stepping stool and his conscience, for he remembers naught but the pinched shoes he slipped on that morning. Dearest fate, why do you hate me so? To have such an ill-minded father!” He released his eyes, sensing that he had lost his audience of a single man, and continues on. “I shall not waste my breath nevermore, especially on such fickle audience,” He grumbled, clapping his pocket watch as if to check the hour. “Sad is the day that such a proper tailor as I has yet to be paged by the King.”
He continued down the cobbled road, thirsty for excitement. “Oh dearest God above, may a lady trip her way under my elbow.” As he turned the corner with such a bounce to be seen as a madman, a brown bob of hair knocked into his elbow with a force like ten single men. “Well, I hadn’t meant literally but at least she had turned up.” The once ashy hair was now a face, large blue eyes and filled cheeks. “You will not address me as such, mister.” Now the one to fall was the lady-loving tramp. “How is this possible? You are not a lady, you are a gent. If only I could count how many times I have affiliated with a woman, yet to find broad shoulders and large muscles.”
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 24 August 2011. Tags: audience, film, Good, haha, hmc, howl and sophie, howl s moving castle, love story, LOVED, mature audience, miyazaki film, Romance, studio ghibli, thanks in advance, whispers of the heart
I’d like to watch an anime movie with some romance!
haha i LOVED Howl and Sophie and would love a similar happy ending love story
I’ve seen every miyazaki film affiliated with studio ghibli, but most of his works are for a younger audience. I’ve also seen Whispers of the Heart (?) and the girl who leapt through time, which I enjoyed alright, not as much as HMC but that can’t be helped xD So, got any good suggestions? I don’t mind if they’re for a bit more of a mature audience, but please nothing TOO graphic xD I’m not asking for porn here. haha thanks in advance!
Posted in Featured Articles