Posted on 07 January 2013. Tags: best friends, good bread, good time, guy, happy all the time, honesty, kind, long time, person, phone, proof, school teacher, some girls, spring break, yesterday
I’m with my bf for 8 months now. I’m 21 and he is 30. He is kind of quite person. He usually don’t call or text someone unless he really need to, except some people that are really close to him like me, his sister, and his best friends. Yesterday, I used his phone and I saw a conversation between him and a girl at his school. They talked about school, teacher and some other things too. He told her that how good she did on her presentation that i don’t think he usually do to other people. He even told her that he got good grade first before he told me about it. I watched a good movie with him, then he told her to watch it and they talk about how good is it. They also talk about he is a good cookies maker and she is a good cooker. He even told her that he know a market that sell good bread and said he will take her there sometimes if she is good.
Do you think this a friends’ conversation? I think it would be ok if she is his friend for a long time. But they just know each other 3 month at school, and i know how my bf is… he is kinda quiet and don’t usually talk to people that are not close to him. I don’t know what should i do now. Should I ask him? Or should I just keep an eye on it and find more proof before asking him? I know I was wrong when I went through his phone without his permit. But I was insecure. Please help!!!! 
We have no problems. We love each other and I can feel his love for me. He care for me and want me to be happy all the time. We always have good time when we are together. We hang out almost everyday on our Spring Break. He also tell me that there are some girls at school like him and try to talk to him. He said he doesn’t like it because he doesn’t go there to find girls. He seem honesty about this. There would be nothing if i din’t go through his phone. Maybe I’m just too insecure.
I didn’t ask him clearly about this. However, when he told me about some girls at school like him, I asked him is there any girl that he talk to more than other. He said not really. Then I ask do you think it’s right when you go out with another girl/guy when you already have a gf/bf (That girl or guy wasn’t a friend for long time)? And I told him I think it shouldn’t happen because it will make bf/gf sad, and he said he agree with me.
I think that I’m just over thinking. Maybe I should trust my bf more.
Thank you for all the answers!
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 05 December 2012. Tags: anyone, best friends, Book, Falling, falling in love, love, ya
i want to read YA book about this. anyone have any good ones?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 10 November 2012. Tags: Affiliated, best friends, Companies, Descent, grade 8, Handlex, hello everyone, list, Paralegal, pearson airport, pizza pizza, pizza school, pregnancy, yay
Hello everyone
Can someone please list companies that you can work for without a degree that are affiliated with Pearson airport , example Handlex
Or any other companies perhaps that one can apply for that has descent pay ?
Thank you,
Story below
My name is Rosalina , im24 years old.
I have been with my boyfriend since grade 8. He is my everything, best friends first.
Him and I are very different , I graduated and an a sucsessful paralegal . He dropped out of hit school and got into gambling , had jobs and ended up As a driver for his parents pizza pizza . School is not for everyone I suppose. I don’t judge
However. I have just learned of my pregnancy. Yay. And we were hoping to find him a good place to work for now .
Any help is apriciatted , thank you
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 18 October 2012. Tags: Alike, art, art class, attention whore, best friends, class, envy, grade essays, honest opinion, niche, seniors, seventh grade, stupid things, Work
I’ve been best friends with this girl since the seventh grade. (We’re seniors in high school now.) And we’ve never fought or had any problems with each other, but now I can’t seem handle being around her.
She’s always been smart and hilarious and beautiful and confident and creative and interesting. She can talk to anyone and have them like her in seconds, including adults. I admit that I kind of envy her a little, but I try not to compare myself to her. It’s just getting harder now that we have classes together. I was really good at English last year (highest class grade, essays used as samples), but we have English together now, and she seems to have taken my place there. We’re also in the same art class together. My confidence in my work has always been pretty low, but now it’s worse because my friend demonstrates a talent far superior to mine. Having her there makes me even less confident in my work because I can’t stop comparing my stuff to hers. It’s terrible.
It’s gotten to the point at which I’ve stopped talking to her as often, and stupid things she says or does make me overreact in anger. I’ll think she’s a know-it-all or an attention-whore or horrible things like that, which I know isn’t my honest opinion, but I guess I’m just jealous.
I’ve explained it to myself as us trying to occupy the same niche. We’re both artistic, good at English, we have very similar humor, we both like to look at the world in the same kind of weird way, we behave pretty similarly. When she’s there, she takes that personaity niche, and I just kind of let her and stay quiet and reserved. But today she was absent, and I felt so much more myself and talkative and outgoing, because that niche was there for me to take. I got to play her role.
I know, it sounds crazy. I have no idea why I find our similarities threatening.
What can I do? How can I stop feeling repressed when she’s around? How can I stop comparing myself to her?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 22 April 2012. Tags: best friend, best friends, friendship, girlfriend, Girlfriends, horrible experiences, host mom, marcel, Parents, relationship
Ok, so I’m a junior in high school, a guy, and 17. And I’ve really never been the sort of person to affiliate myself with exchanged students, but I met a German exchanged student at the beginning of this year, his name is Marcel. We literally clicked, and started becoming best friends very fast. Me and him literally did everything together and we would stay at eachothers houses every single weekend, literally. It was so much fun. I’ve had horrible experiences with losing people in my life, all of my other best friends have literally died. And I’ve never had a friendship as great as this one. We continued to grow closer, and I remember all the time he would tell me he gets in fights with his host mom and stuff. Then one day at the beginning of February, he got in a huge fight with her. And so he decided to find a different family. He couldn’t find one. And then I thought, it would be so cool of he lived me. Just my best friend, we’d be like brothers. And so he moved in with me in February. He was soooooo excited and so was I! And we thought it was the coolest thing when he moved in. We hung out every day, talked non stop late into the nights, had our girlfriends over and backed eachother up so we wouldn’t get in trouble with my parents, even though I don’t like his girlfriend, and he doesn’t like mine, we support eachother. And then things got weird. He started hanging out with his girlfriend sooooo much. Literally everyday he would bring her over. And they’re relationship grew. But I lost my girlfriend. And so then I started feeling left out and that he didn’t like to hang out with me as much anymore. It made me feel horrrrible. I tried to tell him they hang out too much and he just got mad at me. And his girlfriend’s friends thought the same too. Things just started changing, he became more short with me, and didn’t want to do anything but sit in our room. I didn’t get it. He used to be so much more excited and pumped to go to parties with me or play video games etc. I didn’t know what I did wrong. Anyways, his parents visited from Germany last week and they stayed in a house near my house. And me and my family got to meet them and stuff. And while his parents were here, his girlfriend randomly and viciously dumped him. Out of nowhere. Because she was talking to some other guy. And so he got into an extremely bad mood for a long time. He slowly talked to her, and they’re kinda together right now, but not dating. She’s a piece of **** and it makes me mad she could make him so depressed like that. And he didn’t believe me when I told him that she was talking to some other guy. He ALWAYS trusted me, and we told eachother everything. But I had been hiding a secret. I keep getting fevers and night sweats and joint pains and infections. So I brought myself to get some blood work, and the hospital believed to see leukemia. I was devastated because so many people in my life have died from cancer. I didn’t know what to do, so I just went and told him looking for support, just like I supported him through his tough break up. He was in shock at first, but then he started saying that I’m putting pressure on him, and that it shouldn’t begin responsibility to babysit him or something? All I wanted was a shoulder to lean on. And this just made me more angry, and the night I told him me and him were going to a party. He decides to bring that stupid girl. I didn’t want to party at all. I just wanted to go home and talk to him. But he didn’t care. He wanted to hang out with that no good whore and not support his friend. It pissed me off. I just pretended that the cancer wasn’t bothering me anymore because he was just getting mad and I didn’t know what I did. Did I do something wrong? I thought me and him were so close. We’re always talking or doing something fun. He thought it was ok. And then he flat out ditched me and took that girl with him somewhere and left be bawling my eyes out thinking I was going to die. After all that, he began hanging out with this other kid I don’t like, he doesn’t want to do anything fun with me, he just wants to do homework. I only have a limited time left with him before he leaves. I am visiting him in Germany next year, but I won’t get to see my best friend for a long time. I just want things to be fun again, and for him to actually like talking and hanging out with me. So I need help, do you think what he did was just a little messed up:/? And I tried confronting him about hanging out with that other kid but he’s still going to. I want my best fiend back to how he used to be. I miss him. Do you have any advice on what I should do? He’s sleeping as I’m typing this, which shows how much interest he has in having fun. It’s Friday..please just tell me how to talk to him to get him back. I’ve never been this close to a friend and he’s like my brother. Sorry
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 02 January 2012. Tags: best friends, classical romance, few days, heir, heir to the throne, King, Kylin, peasant girl, prince, queen, romance story, smart girl, son, young lovers
I am writing a “classical” romance story between a Prince and a peasant girl. The Prince is the son and heir to the throne of King Damien and Queen Alexia. One day the Prince, age 16 and in his rebellious phase, sneaks away from the castle because he’s bored and decides to go into town because he has never seen the market place before.
A few miles away, on a farm, lives Kylin with her mother, they are somewhat very poor but love the fact that it doesn’t matter to them. Kylin is a fun loving smart girl that is sort of rebellious and goes against somewhat with what her mother tells her to do. Since her mother was giving nursing Kylin when she fell il, she doesn’t know what the Prince looks like or even knows his name because her mother wasn’t there to give her blessing. As Kylin goes down to the market place she accidental bumps into the Prince and they exchange a conversation and become best friends. They meet up a few days later at her house and that evening the guards come and take the Prince away.
Daimen is not happy about his son falling in love with a peasent girl and says that his son is forbidden to speak or see Kylin ever again. But the Prince ignores this and they meet in secret. Now the young lovers must overcome the obstilcies they face if they truly want to be in love despite what class they are in, and the King as well.
That is pretty much the summary of the book! so what do u think? all suggestions are good. 
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