Tag Archive | "biological species concept"

Biology Help. Speciation?

1)Sometimes, many related species evolve from a single species in a relatively short period of time. This often happens as the ancestral species has the opportunity to adapt to new environmental niches. Which of the following terms is NOT relevant to this process?
A)adaptive radiation
C)divergent evolution
D)All of the terms are relevant.
2)Geographically isolated populations become separate species when
A) they have been separated for ten or more generations.
B)their markings become distinct.
C)they are no longer able to interbreed.
D)their skeletal structures become distinct.
3)According to the biological species concept, the termspecies has been defined as a group of organisms that canbreed with one another in a wild, free-ranging condition to producefertile offspring. For which of the following would this concept bemost difficult to apply?
D)B and C
4)Speciation is the process by which new species arise. Speciation does not result from which of the following?
A)geographic isolation
B)reproductive isolation
C)genetic divergence
D)species interbreeding
5)Allopatric speciation is a form of speciation that occurs when populations become geographically isolated from one another. Geographic isolation may occur when
A)continents drift apart.
B)a mountain range separates formerly connected populations.
C)the range of a species is limited by loss of suitable habitat.
D)all of the above
6)Which of the following is an example of adaptive radiation?
A)the 13 different species of finches Darwin found on the Galapagos islands
B)the new species of rhea that was found on the opposite side of the river from the older species of rhea
C)the fact that dogs and coyotes can interbreed to produce fertile offspring
D)the observation that small populations have a greater opportunity for genetic changes
7) Under which of the following conditions does adaptive radiation occur?
A)A population invades an island that contains a number of unexploited niches and variation in environmental conditions.
B)Members of a population are isolated from other members of the population, either by geographic isolation or reproductive isolation.
C)A geographical barrier is removed between two populations that were originally one population.
D)A hybrid of two populations breeds successfully with a member of one of the parent populations.

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Which One Of The Following Statements Is False?

A) Taxonomy is the branch of biology concerned with naming and classifying the diverse forms
of life.
B) The ecological species concept identifies species in terms of their ecological niches.
C) The phylogenetic species concept defines a species as a set or organisms with a unique
genetic history.
D) The morphological species concept relies upon identifying genotypic diversity and
comparing the nucleotides of genes.
E) The biological species concept is useless for organisms that are completely asexual in their

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Some Biology Questions?

1.Evolution occurs:
A) by altering physical traits but not behavioral traits.
B) only when the environment is changing.
C) only via natural selection, genetic drift, migration, or mutation
2.Thomas Malthus’s 1798 work, Essay on the Principle of Population, greatly influenced Darwin. Which of the following statements best summarizes Malthus’s idea?
A) Animals are able to pass to their offspring characteristics that were acquired in their lifetimes.
B) Individuals with better competitive abilities are more likely to survive and pass their genes to the next generation.
C) Isolated populations of organisms tend to differentiate into new species to fill different niches.
D) People reproduce much more quickly than their resources do. This results in competition for food and space, and in suffering and death.
3.Which of the following groups would be placed nearest the fungi in a phylogenetic tree based on DNA sequences?
A) gymnosperms
B) cyanobacteria
C) animals
4.To which one of the following is the bat’s wing NOT homologous?
A) the lion’s foreleg
B) the dragonfly’s wing
C) the human’s arm
D) the bird’s wing
5.The classic experiments performed in the 1950s by Harold Urey and Stanley Miller, were the first to show that:
A) simple organic molecules, such as amino acids, could form spontaneously in the laboratory under chemical conditions mimicking those of primitive Earth.
B) water (H2O) could be separated into atmospheric oxygen and H2 gas.
C) naturally occurring antibiotics, such as penicillin, could be used to treat bacterial diseases.
6.Which of the following molecules was NOT present in the pre-biotic environment?
A) ammonia (NH3)
B) methane (CH4)
C) molecular oxygen (O2)
D) water (H2O)
7.Much of what is known about the history of the origin of life came from:
A) written history.
B) word of mouth.
C) educated guesses.
D) the study of fossils.
8.The biological species concept is primarily based on:
A) reproductive isolation.
B) phylogenetic history.
C) ecological niche.
9.The biological species concept:
A) is infrequently used because it is inapplicable to many organisms.
B) states that any organisms that are biologically similar constitute a species.
C) defines a species as any group of actually or potentially interbreeding species that produce viable offspring

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Please , It Would Be Really Nice Of You If You Can Help Me With This Bio Work Sheet?

Question 1
When researchers compared the number of species threatened with extinction with the total number of species, the conclusion was that over a third of all species on our planet today are in trouble.
Question 2
Humans are in the Kingdom _____.
Question 3
The contribution of organisms to maintaining a livable environment for every living thing is known as _____.
biological species concept
ecosystem services
Question 4
The original classification system for organisms (created in the 1700’s) grouped species based on _____ similarities.
fossil record
visible traits
Question 5
An organism is described as Eukaryotic, single celled, with a 9+2 flagella. This organism is a _____.
Question 6
The taxonomic hierarchy of domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species represents _____.
a description of the important traits of an organism
a random naming system, useful primarily as a way of communicating from one culture to another
Question 7
How many species do scientists estimate have not yet been identified and named?
hardly any; although a few new species may remain undiscovered, the world is extremely well studied at this point and it is not expected that a significant number of new species will be found in the future
may 10X what is currently known
probably double what is currently known
Question 8
When taxonomic groupings are used to hypothesize about evolutionary relationships, we call the resulting flow diagram a _____.
phylogenetic tree
any of the listed choices
family tree
Question 9
Which taxonomic group is currently most threatened by extinction?
Question 10
The biological species definition works fairly well for organisms in the Animal Kingdom, but not so well for members of other Kingdoms. What’s the problem?
asexual reproduction is extremely common in plants, fungi, protists, and prokaryotes
it is hard to observe the sex lives of non-animal organisms
the other kingdoms of life are not DNA based
scientists just don’t like to study anything but animals
Question 11
How many species have been identified and given scientific names?
1 billion
400 thousand
1.5 million
6 thousand
Question 12
Humans are in the Domain _____.
Question 13
Which kingdom of life does not belong in the Domain Eukarya?
all of the listed choices
Question 14
In humans, race is important because genetic differences can affect medical conditions and treatment. However, a person’s race is not reliably determined by looking at skin color or other visible traits. Most people who think they are racially pure, probably aren’t.
Question 15
Which characteristic is most important to the biological species concept?
an organism’s ecological niche
successful interbreeding
anatomical similarities
DNA homologies
Question 16
Why do biologists feel that we should be trying to prevent species extinction?
each species carries unique genes which may be of value to genetic engineers in creating medicines, improving agricultural crops, and more
all of the listed choices
communities of organisms contribute to healthy ecosystems, keeping our air and water pure, protecting land against erosion, moderating climate, and more
ethically, every species has its own right to exist, and aesthetically, humans enjoy the beauty of nature
Question 17
true or false: The binomial scientific name assigned to a species is the same anywhere in the world.

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