According to the competitive exclusion principle, two species cannot continue to occupy the same
1. territory
2. niche
3. community
4. population
5. habitat
Posted on 05 September 2012.
According to the competitive exclusion principle, two species cannot continue to occupy the same
1. territory
2. niche
3. community
4. population
5. habitat
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 12 August 2012.
I have finished every question but this one. Please help?!
Invasive species often reach a large biomass because
A.) they are better competitors than native species
B.) they are usually producers and not top predators
C.) they often lack natural predators or pathogens
D.) their superior ability to disperse enables them to spread new niches
E.) they are often protected by the humans who have introduced them
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 07 August 2012.
does the crested shrike tit occupy the same niche as the varied sitella?
crested shike tit- eats insects(esp grubs)-tears off bark trunks, and takes insects from under bark
varied sitella- eats insects- from crevices in trunk; moves down the trunk
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 30 June 2012.
I went into this course thinking I really wanted to do accounting and marketing and then biology and psychology on the science side, as this is what I was doing in high school (except bio). Now I’m really not sure as I don’t think they are for me – I have absolutely no idea :/. It’s just so confusing because I’m in my second year at the moment.. and I’m still just as confused, if not even more so, than I was when I first began.
I’m just wondering what my options are… I don’t want to leave the degree… because I might as well finish it. I’m just wondering what potential careers I might get from this? A lot obviously… but I’m sort of interested in running my own business one day. Beginning a niche market with something rather than being in the lab doing experiments side of things. I honestly don’t know..
Has anyone else been in my position exactly or at least a similar position? and manage to get through and find something they really liked?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 07 June 2012.
I just need these two questions that I can’t find anywhere.
1. Principle proposed by Darwin that suggests that ALL species- living and extinct- were derived from a common ancestor (2 words)
5. Principle proposed by Darwin that suggests that species look different than their ancestors as they adapt to live in different habitats and establish different niches (3 words)
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 31 May 2012.
I have to do a 3-D biology poster on niche restriction, so what exactly is a niche restriction? Also, if anyone can give me ideas on what I should do on my poster that would be great. Thanks.
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