Tag Archive | "boxes"

How Do You Check Multiple Boxes To Delete Emails?

I used to be able to check a box, then holding down the shift (or was it control?), check another box and it would automatically select all the emails in between. How is this done on the “new” Yahoo?

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Could This Potentially Be A Good Niche?

m just going along a particular method of finding Niche’s and it seems that I’m checking off all of the boxes for a profitable niche yet there is something nagging me about the method I’m doing. Here are the stats and I’ll explain further.
Google Adwords: 2400 local monthly and 9900 Globally
Google Search plain keywords: 13,200,000 results
Google Search with “keywords”: 19’800 results
Google Search with inurl:”keywords”:1900
Google search with inurl+intitle”keywords”:600
SEO quake also shows that most websites are rather unoptimized with the average PR around 0 and few SEO links(that are in the specific searches). Yet, what is bothering me is the huge volume of normal “plain” searches. I see that I might be able to help myself optimize a site to beat the odd 600 websites but 13’200’000. I just feel something doesn’t add up with the method. The keywords are in the mental health/disorder territory. Also, the top result for the keywords I choose is the affiliate product I will be promoting but it only shows up in a plain search.

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