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What Can You Realistically Do With A Degree In Advertising?

I’m going to UNF here in Florida, they aren’t that great of a school when it comes to business and public relations, they tend to focus more on health related majors. I’m taking basic classes right now and I haven’t chosen my major, but I do know that I’d like something that has to do with business, advertising, or marketing.
I have plans to transfer to University of Central Florida as they are overall a better school for my niche and also it’s not here at home, so I’ll have a chance to have a real college experience as opposed to living at home and driving to a school I don’t care much about.
That aside, if I were to pursue a B.S. in Advertising / PR what can you realistically do and what kind of income can you expect with such a degree? I’m sure that the ranges vary, but I would like a general idea. I believe that I am a very creative person, especially aesthetically and textually, but I do not want an arts degree or graphic design degree. I would like to make a bit over $85,000 a year in hopefully 10-15 years out in the field. However, I’d be lying to say that I wouldn’t like to make more.
If I were to follow the advertising / marketing route, what are some potentially high salary jobs that also allow a bit of creativity?
Thanks, I hope I wasn’t too vague or naive about this.

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