Tag Archive | "category"

How Can I Get More Views/subscribers If I Don’t Fit Into A “catagory”?

I am about 5 days new to youtube. I’ve been working really hard on my videos and have uploaded 7. I have 8 subscribers as of now, and about 1,000 total video views.
The key theme to my videos are Victoria’s Secret Supermodels. Now I don’t think that is a category like “beauty gurus”, vloggers, comedians, or how to people. I don’t know where my niche is.
So then how can I bring in more viewers and subscribers?

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)

How Can I Get More Views/subscribers If I Don’t Fit Into A “catagory”?

I am about 5 days new to youtube. I’ve been working really hard on my videos and have uploaded 7. I have 8 subscribers as of now, and about 1,000 total video views.
The key theme to my videos are Victoria’s Secret Supermodels. Now I don’t think that is a category like “beauty gurus”, vloggers, comedians, or how to people. I don’t know where my niche is.
So then how can I bring in more viewers and subscribers?

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)


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