Tag Archive | "class"

Which Animal Has The Hardest Life?

Hopefully in your animal science class, you learned that every animal has it’s own niche, or job in the animal kingdom. They make discovery channel shows about how hard their niche/life is. Out of all the existing ones, which one do you think has it the hardest. In my opinion, would probably be the ant.
Here’s why:
Everyone trying to kill it(Even other ants).
It has to lift things more than ten times it’s size.
It spends it’s entire life traveling one block.
It’s trying to dig it’s home, but it’s soon destroyed by 5-year old kids.
They have to gather food for the leader ant and not themselves.
We’re about a million times bigger than it.
Now that you know my opinion, what’s yours. Don’t say people’s life is the hardest because our life is easy compared to most animals.

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Statistics Need Help Please? 1. Three Professors At Northern Kentucky University Compared Two Different Appro?

Statistics Need help please?
1. Three professors at Northern Kentucky University compared two different approaches to teaching courses in the school of business (M. W. Ford, D. W. Kent, and S. Devoto, “Learning from the Pros: Influence of Web-Based Expert Commentary on Vicarious Learning about Financial Markets,” Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, January 2007, 5(1), 43–63). At the time of the study, there were 2,100 students in the business school and 96 students were involved in the study. Demographic data collected on these 96 students included class (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), age, gender, and major.
a. Describe the population of interest.
b. Describe the sample that was collected.
c. For each of the four demographic variables mentioned above, indicate if they are categorical or numerical.”
4. A sample of 50 undergraduate students answered the following survey.
1. What is your gender? Female _____ Male _____
2. What is your age (as of last birthday)? _____
3. What is your height (in inches)? _____
4. What is your current registered class designation?
Freshman _____ Sophomore _____ Junior _____ Senior _____
5. What is your major area of study?
Accounting _____ Economics/Finance _____ Information Systems _____ International Business _____ Management _____ Marketing/Retailing _____ Other _____ Undecided _____
6. At the present time, do you plan to attend graduate school? Yes _____ No _____ Not sure _____
7. What is your current cumulative grade point average? _____
8. What would you expect your starting annual salary (in $000) to be if you were to seek employment immediately after obtaining your bachelor’s degree? _____
9. What do you anticipate your salary to be (in $000) after five years of full-time work experience? _____
10. What is your current employment status? Full-time _____ Part-time _____ Unemployed _____
11. How many clubs, groups, organizations, or teams are you currently affiliated with on campus?
12. How satisfied are you with the student advisement services on campus? _____
Extremely Satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Extremely Unsatisfied
13. About how much money did you spend this semester for textbooks and supplies? _____”
Using the Data located on the next tab, please answer the following questions:
a. Which variables in the survey are categorical?
b. Which variables in the survey are numerical?
c. Which variables are discrete numerical variables?
ID Num Gender Age Height Class Major Grad School GPA Expected Salary Annual Salary in 5 Years Employment Status Number of Affiliations Satisfaction Advisement Spending
ID01 m 19 69 so mr y 3.19 40 70 un 0 2…
ID02 m 21 67 sr m un 3.11 50 60 pt 0 2…
ID03 m 20 68 jr ef n 3.02 50 60 pt 0 5…
ID04 m 18 79 fr ef y 4.00 50 57 pt 0 5…
ID05 m 19 67 so m y 2.75 40 100 pt 1 1…
ID06 m 21 70 jr a y 3.24 60 100 pt 2 5…
ID07 m 20 68 jr ef y 2.93 50 75 un 0 4…
ID08 m 21 71 jr m y 3.26 40 60 pt 0 1 …
ID09 f 20 62 so mr n 3.21 45 65 pt 0 4…
ID10 m 19 70 so a y 3.23 50 70 pt 0 6 …
ID11 m 36 67 so a un 3.77 60 120 pt 1 …
ID12 f 19 65 so a un 3.71 40 60 un 0 5…
ID13 f 20 65 jr a un 3.20 45 65 pt 3 5…
ID14 f 21 65 jr mr y 2.94 40 60 pt 0 4…
ID15 f 19 66 so mr y 3.22 40 80 pt 0 3…
ID16 m 20 69 jr un un 3.34 60 90 pt 0 …
ID17 f 19 64 fr ib un 3.09 40 65 un 1 …
ID18 m 20 67 jr mr n 3.72 50 80 pt 2 4…
ID19 m 23 70 jr ef un 2.50 50 75 un 0 …
ID20 m 20 70 so ef y 2.74 60 75 un 0 4…
ID21 f 20 63 so mr y 3.55 60 100 pt 2 …
ID22 f 19 67 so m un 3.00 45 65 pt 0 3…
ID23 f 19 65 so mr y 3.62 40 90 pt 0 3…
ID24 f 20 63 jr m un 2.60 40 60 pt 1 3…
ID25 f 22 63 sr ef y 3.63 50 150 pt 3 …
ID26 f 21 65 sr o n 2.38 40 60 pt 2 4 …
ID27 m 21 73 jr m y 2.45 40 65 pt 0 2 …
ID28 m 30 71 jr m n 3.28 50 75 pt 0 5 …
ID29 f 20 66 so ib un 3.18 50 75 un 1 …
ID30 m 24 62 so a n 3.33 55 85 pt 0 4 …
ID31 f 19 69 so mr un 2.87 30 50 pt 0 …
ID32 f 33 67 sr a n 3.14 45 75 ft 0 5 …
ID33 f 19 64 fr ib n 3.44 45 90 pt 1 6…
ID34 m 20 72 so m y 3.85 60 100 pt 1 1…
ID35 f 22 61 jr o y 3.50 45 60 un 0 7 …
ID36 m 21 69 so ef n 2.92 55 85 pt 0 5…
ID37 f 19 60 fr a un 2.80 55 80 pt 0 3…
ID38 f 21 66 jr mr un 2.67 40 65 pt 0 …
ID39 m 20 69 so a un 2.65 45 80 un 0 3…
ID40 f 20 63 so is n 2.88 50 80 un 1 4…
ID41 f 19 65 so ef un 3.43 50 100 pt 0…
ID42 f 21 63 jr ef y 3.48 60 110 pt 0 …
ID43 m 20 68 so a un 2.91 45 90 pt 1 4…
ID44 m 19 72 so a n 2.75 50 80 pt 0 5 …
ID45 m 22 69 jr is y 3.62 55 85 un 2 4…
ID46 m 21 68 jr m n 2.42 35 60 pt 1 3 …
ID47 f 22 66 jr mr n 2.76 40 65 pt 0 3…
ID48 m 19 69 fr un un 3.10 45 70 pt 0 …
ID49 m 20 68 so is n 2.61 40 65 pt 1 3…
ID50 f 20 66 so is n 3.13 45 80 pt 0 2…

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My Best Friend And I Are Too Alike?

I’ve been best friends with this girl since the seventh grade. (We’re seniors in high school now.) And we’ve never fought or had any problems with each other, but now I can’t seem handle being around her.
She’s always been smart and hilarious and beautiful and confident and creative and interesting. She can talk to anyone and have them like her in seconds, including adults. I admit that I kind of envy her a little, but I try not to compare myself to her. It’s just getting harder now that we have classes together. I was really good at English last year (highest class grade, essays used as samples), but we have English together now, and she seems to have taken my place there. We’re also in the same art class together. My confidence in my work has always been pretty low, but now it’s worse because my friend demonstrates a talent far superior to mine. Having her there makes me even less confident in my work because I can’t stop comparing my stuff to hers. It’s terrible.
It’s gotten to the point at which I’ve stopped talking to her as often, and stupid things she says or does make me overreact in anger. I’ll think she’s a know-it-all or an attention-whore or horrible things like that, which I know isn’t my honest opinion, but I guess I’m just jealous.
I’ve explained it to myself as us trying to occupy the same niche. We’re both artistic, good at English, we have very similar humor, we both like to look at the world in the same kind of weird way, we behave pretty similarly. When she’s there, she takes that personaity niche, and I just kind of let her and stay quiet and reserved. But today she was absent, and I felt so much more myself and talkative and outgoing, because that niche was there for me to take. I got to play her role.
I know, it sounds crazy. I have no idea why I find our similarities threatening.
What can I do? How can I stop feeling repressed when she’s around? How can I stop comparing myself to her?

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What Are Your Political Views?

For my government class, I must interview people from different political parties, but I don’t really know anyone who’s politically affiliated. Can you help me?
For US residents:
1. What party are you affiliated with and why did you join that party?
2. What is their platform?
3. Do you like the 2 party system?
4. Where do you get your news?
Please help me and give full responses to every question

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Am I A Poser ?? What Do I Do If I Am?

Ok. I am not super-rich but I do have an eye for what I consider attractive. I wear whatever I want and I have never tried to be “preppy” or “punk”. Sometimes I cross dress, but it’s never too serious like “I want to be a woman”. For example. I wore my grandma’s old sweater that expanded and looked masculine. People at school have never called me a poser, but they certainly imply that I am. It irritates me, even though I have a strong mindset that it shouldn’t. One person even thinks I am copying their style. My family makes 50,000 plus a year(middle class,right?) I am not affiliated with any clique whatsoever. I am very independent and friends in multiple circles. I don’t hang out with people after school; I stick to myself and my hobbies. AM I A POSER????

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How Religious Are The University Of San Diego And Pepperdine University?

I know that all religiously affiliated colleges are different, but has anyone gone there or know how each one works? I’m really interested in both but i am not so interested in having to do any religious work. A class or two is okay, but religion isn’t really my thing. thanks!

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