Posted on 16 November 2012. Tags: ALL, Common, common factor, dystopia, Hunger, mishmash, paranormal creatures, preteens, relatable, Romance, target, twilight, worries, young adult market
…the similarities between the most popular novels?
Let’s take Harry Potter, Twilight, and the Hunger Games. What do they ALL have in common? Their stories are a mishmash of two primary genres/major themes. That’s one of the secrets to their success (;
● Harry Potter—epic good versus evil fantasy and classroom setting/preteens and teenagers going though the worries of school
● Twilight—romance/forbidden and paranormal creatures (creating a sub-genre in its popularity)
● Hunger Games—dystopia and forbidden love/romance
Another common factor in the success of the named novels is that they all target to the young adult market, aided with the use of universally relatable themes.
Just thought I’d share this with everyone in case someone has a case of writer’s block 
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 13 November 2012. Tags: army, assassins, call, Common, medieval society, Reason, Society, Stop, taverns, unanswered questions
I’m writing a story and I have a few unanswered questions. Would a king send his family elsewhere if he knew there was an army coming towards his kingdom that he knows he cannot stop? Were there assassins during that time? How common were bounties on people? For what reason would a king call upon a knight to speak with him privately? Have people ever openly fought in the markets or taverns?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 30 July 2012. Tags: amp, Answer, bangladesh, Bengal, bengal tiger, bhutan, Biome, Common, geographical location, Location, nepal, niche, science teacher, Tiger
can u answer these questions with a “?” about the bengal tiger please. thx for help!
ps. u u think the questions are dumb, its my dumb science teacher
Common name: Bengal Tiger
Bio-geographical location: India, Bangladesh, Nepal & Bhutan
Its community:?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 07 April 2012. Tags: accounts receivables, assets liabilities, cash dividends, Common, deferred income tax, Long, lt debt, Normalized, preferred dividends, provision for doubtful accounts, redeemable preferred stock, short term investments, stock, Tax, total current liabilities
Can someone please tell me where this information is located on this balance sheet and income statement? I cannot find these, I can find similar ones on the balance sheet and income statement but they are not right, I know they are on here but they must be called something else, IDK but I am so confused. Please any help!!!
I have to find this information on the balance sheet and income statement in order to do my calculations:
-Ending inventory
-Net Sales
-average accounts receivable
-cost of goods sold
-average inventory
-net sales
-preferred dividends
-annual cash dividends per share
-market price per share
-average total assests
Cash and Short Term Investments
Cash & Equivalents
Short Term Investments
Total Receivables, Net
Accounts Receivable -Trade, Net
Accounts Receivable – Trade, Gross
Provision for Doubtful Accounts
Receivables – Other
Total Inventory
Prepaid Expenses
Other Current Assets, Total
Total Current Assets
Property/Plant/Equipment, Total – Net
Goodwill, Net
Intangibles, Net
Long Term Investments
Note Receivable – Long Term
Other Long Term Assets, Total
Other Assets, Total
Total Assets
Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Notes Payable/Short Term Debt
Current Port. of LT Debt/Capital Leases
Other Current Liabilities, Total
Total Current Liabilities
Total Long Term Debt
Long Term Debt
Capital Lease Obligations
Deferred Income Tax
Minority Interest
Other Liabilities, Total
Total Liabilities
Redeemable Preferred Stock
Preferred Stock – Non Redeemable, Net
Common Stock
Additional Paid-In Capital
Retained Earnings (Accumulated Deficit)
Treasury Stock – Common
ESOP Debt Guarantee
Unrealized Gain (Loss)
Other Equity, Total
Total Equity
Total Liabilities & Shareholders’ Equity
Total Common Shares Outstanding
Total Preferred Shares Outstanding
Other Revenue, Total
Total Revenue
Cost of Revenue, Total
Gross Profit
Selling/General/Administrative Expenses, Total
Research & Development
Interest Expense (Income), Net Operating
Unusual Expense (Income)
Other Operating Expenses, Total
Operating Income
Interest Income (Expense), Net Non-Operating
Gain (Loss) on Sale of Assets
Other, Net
Income Before Tax
Income Tax – Total
Income After Tax
Minority Interest
Equity In Affiliates
U.S. GAAP Adjustment
Net Income Before Extra. Items
Total Extraordinary Items
Accounting Change
Net Income
Total Adjustments to Net Income
Preferred Dividends
General Partners Distributions
Basic Weighted Average Shares
Basic EPS Excluding Extraordinary Items
Basic EPS Including Extraordinary Items
Diluted Weighted Average Shares
Diluted EPS Excluding Extrordinary Items
Diluted EPS Including Extraordinary Items
Dividends per Share – Common Stock Primary Issue
Dividends per Share – Common Stock Issue 2
Gross Dividends – Common Stock
Interest Expense, Supplemental
Depreciation, Supplemental
Normalized EBITDA
Normalized EBIT
Normalized Income Before Tax
Normalized Income After Taxes
Normalized Income Available to Common
Basic Normalized EPS
Diluted Normalized EPS
Amortization of Acquisition Cost
Amortization of Intangibles
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 16 March 2012. Tags: Blue, Common, common snipe, Great, great blue heron, Heron, Niches, Plz, snipe
how are they similar? how are they different? and how might their differences enable them to occupy different niches?
make it brief.
plz, thanks :))
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 14 February 2012. Tags: blog, Common, niche
I have a blog up, but I’m still not to sure about what blog niche I should do.
Thank you.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101