Posted on 14 April 2013. Tags: Affiliates, Competitor, Does, It's, Kroger's, Pricematch, Walmart
I was at Kroger’s today to pick up Pepsi 2-liters which was on sale at Meijer’s 10 for $10 w/the 11th free. The clerk said sorry Kroger’s doesn’t price match. I walked out & went to Walmart whom I hate (but they do price match) & got what all I had originally put in my cart at Kroger’s.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 24 July 2012. Tags: Competitor, equilibrium, fibers, jag, locks, market, market niche, monopoly, monopoly position, position, product, Profit, profitable niche, stain resistant carpet
Price /Output Equilibrium: JAG.Inc., makes stain resistant carpet using a process that locks PTF (aka Tedlon) into the fibers. During recent years, its unique carpet has successfully exploited a profitable niche in the market. The company’s monopoly position in this market niche is now threatened by a competitor’s announcement of a new device with capabilities similar to those of the JAG product.
As TR=TC, calculate the MR, MC
Output price
0 $30
1 $28
2 $26
3 $24
4 $22
5 $20
A) While JAG still a monopoly position, what is their output , price, and profit at the profit-maximizing activity level?
B) What is the output, price, and profit for this product if a monopolistically competitive equilibrium evolves in this market following the successful introduction of the competitor’s product? (assume similar costs conditions for each firm)
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 11 June 2012. Tags: Competitor, computer, coworker, eggs, extra money, gmail account, good company, guy, interns, job, old laptop, Perpetually, ppl, spite, Work
My coworker, who I have to sit next to all day long everyday, can be very annoying.
For one thing, she doesn’t want to be here. She hates this job and makes no secret of it. Even our supervisor, the head of HR knows she has been looking for another job for over a year.
She tells interns, new hires, current employees and even applicants–anyone who will listen–what a “horrible” company this is.
She makes snarky comments all day long like, “what do these people get out of interning here?” even though it’s actually a really good company and would be a great opportunity for any marketing student.
All she does all day long is complain and fill out applications for other jobs online.
In spite of all this, she still wanted to be flown across the country and put up in a hotel to represent the company at a convention in Las Vegas and was FURIOUS when she was not awarded the opportunity to go. She feels like the company owes her something.
Just today, she complained to IT that her computer was slow. So they brought her a new one. My computer is slow too, but they don’t have any more…so they gave the only one they had to her. But she is still not happy, because, “the screen is so small, and my vision is not the greatest…” and she’s really mad because the IT guy wouldn’t illegally connect her NEW laptop to her gmail account (it is blocked due to company policy,) like another IT guy did for her with her old laptop.
She refuses to do any bit of extra work around the office, so any time extra work is needed, our supervisors know to have ME do it, not her. But then when there’s an opportunity for overtime, it is OFFERED to her as a courtesy, since extra money is involved.
She also eats hard boiled eggs every morning–about 3 of them. Which stink. That’s annoying but any time someone walks by and mentioned the smell, she’s in denila that it’s coming from her eggs.
And to top it off, she views me as her competitor so she takes any opportunity to make slightly bitchy comments when others are around to assert dominance and show off.
Any coping strategies? I want to keep the peace…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 08 June 2012. Tags: Competitor, computer, coworker, eggs, extra money, gmail account, good company, guy, interns, job, old laptop, Perpetually, ppl, spite, Work
My coworker, who I have to sit next to all day long everyday, can be very annoying.
For one thing, she doesn’t want to be here. She hates this job and makes no secret of it. Even our supervisor, the head of HR knows she has been looking for another job for over a year.
She tells interns, new hires, current employees and even applicants–anyone who will listen–what a “horrible” company this is.
She makes snarky comments all day long like, “what do these people get out of interning here?” even though it’s actually a really good company and would be a great opportunity for any marketing student.
All she does all day long is complain and fill out applications for other jobs online.
In spite of all this, she still wanted to be flown across the country and put up in a hotel to represent the company at a convention in Las Vegas and was FURIOUS when she was not awarded the opportunity to go. She feels like the company owes her something.
Just today, she complained to IT that her computer was slow. So they brought her a new one. My computer is slow too, but they don’t have any more…so they gave the only one they had to her. But she is still not happy, because, “the screen is so small, and my vision is not the greatest…” and she’s really mad because the IT guy wouldn’t illegally connect her NEW laptop to her gmail account (it is blocked due to company policy,) like another IT guy did for her with her old laptop.
She refuses to do any bit of extra work around the office, so any time extra work is needed, our supervisors know to have ME do it, not her. But then when there’s an opportunity for overtime, it is OFFERED to her as a courtesy, since extra money is involved.
She also eats hard boiled eggs every morning–about 3 of them. Which stink. That’s annoying but any time someone walks by and mentioned the smell, she’s in denila that it’s coming from her eggs.
And to top it off, she views me as her competitor so she takes any opportunity to make slightly bitchy comments when others are around to assert dominance and show off.
Any coping strategies? I want to keep the peace…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 28 April 2012. Tags: capri, chanel, chenault, Competitor, Fake, first and middle names, janae, last names, Life, niche market, personal life, personal name, portfolio, Protect, Want
So I started a company about 2 years ago. It has become pretty successful locally but we are just beginning to branch out on the Internet. It is a niche market and the competitor(s) mainly one…..are extremely harsh on other competitors. They are known to be cruel, slander your company and personal name. I am prepared for this and have enough in my portfolio to shut them up….and enough big clients to prove my standing in the industry. However, I don’t think in feel comfortable listing my real name on my bio. I think I may want to create an alias of sorts. I really dint need lectures on anything regarding my business or industry. Justbsome helpful suggestions for a good name that will be memorable….nothing too out there please!
I am female… keep that in mind.
I have thought of names like: January, janae, Christina, summer, Capri, chenault pronounced(Chanel) etc etc etc……..
First and last names or first and middle names. 
Thank you!
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 28 April 2012. Tags: capri, chanel, chenault, Competitor, Fake, first and middle names, janae, last names, Life, niche market, personal life, personal name, portfolio, Protect, Want
So I started a company about 2 years ago. It has become pretty successful locally but we are just beginning to branch out on the Internet. It is a niche market and the competitor(s) mainly one…..are extremely harsh on other competitors. They are known to be cruel, slander your company and personal name. I am prepared for this and have enough in my portfolio to shut them up….and enough big clients to prove my standing in the industry. However, I don’t think in feel comfortable listing my real name on my bio. I think I may want to create an alias of sorts. I really dint need lectures on anything regarding my business or industry. Justbsome helpful suggestions for a good name that will be memorable….nothing too out there please!
I am female… keep that in mind.
I have thought of names like: January, janae, Christina, summer, Capri, chenault pronounced(Chanel) etc etc etc……..
First and last names or first and middle names. 
Thank you!
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101