Posted on 28 February 2018. Tags: Affiliate, compliments, Marketing, money, Online, Wide, World
Technology is moving at the speed of mind. Business is moving at the speed of sales. Online Businesses and Affiliate Marketing are the power of both. In internet sales do you know how to navigate the “Wacky World Wide Web Wonderful Waters”? If you don’t hear is how to and what you will learn!
The World Wide Web or Woo Woo Woo or W cubed or whatever you want to call it is the most amazing invention, evolution, creation in our lifetime. It has become the focus of our daily life and almost everyone you and I know owns a computer, understands the internet and likely has access to email and a presence on the “web”.
That is important to note because that means you and I have access to millions of customers who have needs for one thing or another. Think of yourself for a minute and when you want information do you go to the public library or to a museum or “jump on the internet”? I suspect 99 out of 100 people would answer the latter.
I call the new platform for doing business and making money the ” Wacky World Wide Web Wonderful Waters ” because it is certainly a source for every and anything you can imagine; you can learn about the history of “Azteca’s in Florida”; “how the atom works”; even “why a baby cries” by doing a “Google” search on the words in quotes. These words are called “keywords” which I will discuss in my next article. But with them you can find anything and everything “Wacky” on the Web. The beauty of this is how “Wonderful” this concept is to help you make money. In fact, your imagination is the limit to what people out there want. The flip side to this is what do you want to provide them? Once you decide what you want to provide or sell (and be sure you have a passion for it as I discussed in my 6 P’s of Business Success), then you are on the way to navigating the ” Wacky World Wide Web Wonderful Waters ” and using it to create a successful Affiliate Marketing on-line business and enjoying the experience.
Next time, I will discuss the 3 K’s of the “Keywords Keys Krisis!”
The world of internet marketing is a vast untapped frontier. Everything is moving at an exponential rate. Your success is directly proportional to your effort. What you need is a coach to help motivate you to a successful online business. If you want to learn more go to 4-Day Money Making Blueprint or Quick Ways to Make Money.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 22 October 2011. Tags: Advocate, Amazing, Answer, class, college, compliments, creative writing, freshman year, Mentor, nice guy, niche, Novelist, pros and cons, writer in residence, Writing
So I’ll try to keep this succinct: so creative writing is pretty much my passion/my niche in life and I took this class my freshman year of college three years ago with an AMAZING professor who resonated so well for me, he taught me so much and I definitely saw myself in him, and essentially, he just inspired me so much. So I started a novel around a year later after thinking about his class and the impact it had on me. Well the thing that impacted me the most was when he wrote on one of my essays once: “Do you write a lot? It sure seems to me like you write a lot, given your style.” he gave me many other compliments as well that just got me to think. So currently, I’m about 90 pages into this novel that I just feel it’s a story I NEED to tell would it be completely inappropriate if I emailed this old professor (he’s a published novelist as well, with lots of connections too) and ask him to be my mentor, or at the very least read what I’ve got so far in my novel and comment on it? It’s my dream and if he could be an advocate to make it happen that would be miraculous! He’s a nice guy too, but it’s still intimidating. He was once the writer in residence at a major university.
S would I make a fool out of myself to ask or no?? What are the pros and cons?? He probably doesn’t even remember who I am…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 22 October 2011. Tags: Advocate, Amazing, Answer, class, college, compliments, creative writing, freshman year, Mentor, nice guy, niche, Novelist, pros and cons, writer in residence, Writing
So I’ll try to keep this succinct: so creative writing is pretty much my passion/my niche in life and I took this class my freshman year of college three years ago with an AMAZING professor who resonated so well for me, he taught me so much and I definitely saw myself in him, and essentially, he just inspired me so much. So I started a novel around a year later after thinking about his class and the impact it had on me. Well the thing that impacted me the most was when he wrote on one of my essays once: “Do you write a lot? It sure seems to me like you write a lot, given your style.” he gave me many other compliments as well that just got me to think. So currently, I’m about 90 pages into this novel that I just feel it’s a story I NEED to tell would it be completely inappropriate if I emailed this old professor (he’s a published novelist as well, with lots of connections too) and ask him to be my mentor, or at the very least read what I’ve got so far in my novel and comment on it? It’s my dream and if he could be an advocate to make it happen that would be miraculous! He’s a nice guy too, but it’s still intimidating. He was once the writer in residence at a major university.
S would I make a fool out of myself to ask or no?? What are the pros and cons?? He probably doesn’t even remember who I am…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 12 October 2010. Tags: compliments, Cook, grocery stores, mom, money, New, passion, product, salad, salad dressing, thru
My mom is a great cook, she is always getting compliments on it, and shes been making this awesome and unique salad dressing that was want to put out to sale, on the market. I love my mom so so much and for once i want to do something unbelievably great for her, my family is going thru hard times and we need the money. I think food is her passion.. anyways so who do we need to contact in order to put this salad dressing out on the market? The ingredients are a secret so cant say! We want this so be marketed and packaged nicely and for it to sells in grocery stores, where ever dressing are sold. Please help us thanks 
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 12 August 2010. Tags: amp, bit, clothes, compliments, designer, dress shoes, fee, Google, hip, much money, Nike, ok thanks, Sneakers, utm, What
So I fee I am starting to get to the age where I need to start dressing a bit more mature!!! And while I most. def do dress well, designer sneakers, dress shoes, etc etc, I sometimes like to stay hip with some high top kicks and v necks.
So I was just wondering at what age should I start to phase those kinds of things out? Is 29 too old to still be wearing NIKE’s?
WHat should I wear instead that will still look good? I only have so much money to spend on clothes! HAHA
Ok thanks everyone!!!
The link to the kicks I just got, for Vegas for the most part lol
I mean I love em and get a lot of compliments, but was just curious!!!
Posted in Featured Articles