Tag Archive | "confirmation"

Should I Send My Written Job Acceptance Letter Now?

On Wednesday, I received a job offer from a law firm that practices exactly the niche area of law I’m interested in so I was very excited about the offer – they wanted me to start next week. I called them back yesterday to discuss the details of the offer and to accept the offer. I was informed that they would like to move the start date back a few weeks to late-January/early-February but they didn’t have an exact date at this time. I accepted the offer under those terms and asked that they send me written confirmation of everything we discussed with the precise start date. Should I wait until I receive their letter prior to sending my letter/email essentially providing written confirmation of my acceptance of the offer?

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Should I Send My Written Acceptance Letter Now?

On Wednesday, I received a job offer from a law firm that practices exactly the niche area of law I’m interested in so I was very excited about the offer – they wanted me to start next week. I called them back today to discuss the details of the offer and to accept the offer. I was informed that they would like to move the start date back a few weeks to late-January/early-February but they didn’t have an exact date at this time. I accepted the offer under those terms and asked that they send me written confirmation of everything we discussed with the precise start date. Should I wait until I receive their letter prior to sending my letter/email essentially providing written confirmation of my acceptance of the offer?

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What Is The Church Of God?

I am applying to University of Findlay and I saw that its religious affiliation is “Church of God”. I belong to a roman catholic church and I have gotten my baptism, first communion, and confirmation. I go to church almost every Sunday and I am a pretty religous person. I wanted to know what the church of god is and what it means if a college is affiliated with it. Also, i am applying to another university that is a jesuit university. what does that mean?

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Add Voting Button To Email Sent Through Access Vba?

I am sending a email through Access VBA. i want to add the voting button to the email and click yes for the security pop up when mail getting generated.
I am Using the below coding:
Function SendEmails()
Dim MySet As ADODB.Recordset
Set MySet = New ADODB.Recordset
MySet.Open “qryEmail”, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic
Do Until MySet.EOF
[Forms]![Form3].[qemail].Text = MySet![Email]
DoCmd.SendObject acQuery, “Messages_Sent”, “MicrosoftExcelBiff8(*.xls)”, [Forms]![Form3].[qemail], “”, “”, “INCOMMING MESSAGES – CONFIRMATION”, “Hi” & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & “We have yesterday forwarded the following message, which has/have been acknowledged” & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & “As an additional control the relevant reporting line please confirm that you have received and acted/responded as per the instructions/requests” , False, “”
End Function
the email address is picked from the query (qryEmail).
Thanks for the help….
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