Posted on 31 October 2012. Tags: business, business ethics, business failure, business operation, conflict of interest, customer, customer service marketing, hr department, Marketing, production, production processes, profit motive, Stage, supporting technology, technology equipment
1. In which business stage do you decide whether a business opportunity is a good fit for you personally? (1 point)
2. Which part of a company promotes the products and services? (1 point)
customer service
3. The set of ideas, inventions, production processes, trademarks, trade secrets, and other intangible mental creations that belong to the company is called __________. (1 point)
business ethics
business operation
intellectual property
profit motive
4. Which part of the company interacts with customers after they have purchased the product or service? (1 point)
customer service
5. Which of the following tasks is likely to be done by the HR department? (1 point)
hiring employees
creating a financial report
researching the product
supporting technology equipment
6. In business, failure usually means what? (1 point)
The market wasn’t saturated enough.
The company was unethical.
The customers had a conflict of interest.
The company ran out of money.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 15 June 2012. Tags: Account, conflict of interest, firm, interest, online stock brokers, securities firm, stock, tradeking, trading stocks, Website
I want to start trading stocks. I tried to open an account on tradeking, but I was not able to because my husband works for a securities firm. The website said that they do not offer “affiliated accounts.” Are there any online stock brokers that do allow this?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 24 April 2011. Tags: conflict of interest, corruption, Employees, Gain, government employees, government surveillance, Govt, govt employees, influence, personal gain, recipes, trade, trade secrets
Would government surveillance threaten company trade secrets and recipes. I say this because many have tried to copy, infiltrate, tresspass, buy and franchise our business. What would happen if a conflict of interest between the govt and a company. Would govt surveillance lead to many govt or associate owned businesses. Would many govt employees misuse info for personal gain. How would surveillance influence the free market. Will govt corruption increase with more surveillance.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101