Posted on 02 May 2013. Tags: Black, Corporations, Illegal, Immigration, Know, market, Secret, That
Minimum wage is a form of price control so when you impose a price control employers will turn to the black market. What these 1% are doing is preying on your prejudices by using the Latino people to push for more illegal immigration thereby lowering your ages even further. There is also another benefit to all of this. The illegals will qualify for welfare thereby causing the government to take your money by force so that those illegals can spend on the market. So its a win win for big business and a lose lose for you.
Just like drugs we banned drugs so we created a black market. Now we set a minimum wage so people are coming across the border to get jobs that Americans won’t do.Under the normal circumstances people would take any job but as long as we have welfare people will flood to that. Thereby causing even more illegal immigration and more welfare.
Sorry but there won’t be a middle class within a few more years. Now that there are more people on welfare than working the numbers will increase proportionally until the whole system collapses.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 18 December 2012. Tags: Bribing, Corporations, finance yahoo, law, mexican officials, New, Open, wal mart, Walmart, Yahoo
This is illegal under U.S. law. Are corporations, like Walmart, too big to exist?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 30 March 2012. Tags: car, car deals, Corporations, corruption in america, crazy stuff, entire world, greed, injustice, lol, matter, Niches, Place, rituals, throating
Other countries are just as mean?? I feel like America is mean in its own ways though.. In stupid ways.. lol Being competitive and cut throating in jobs. Always out to make a buck. Screwing people over with car deals. It is all about greed and corruption in America.
I feel like in other countries though they have their own crazy stuff. They might not have corporations, but they have terrorist they are training and people killing each other and crazy rituals.
So in the end, the entire world has its own ways of being mean and promoting injustice.. It’s all just a matter of how your country handles things. For us BIG BUSINESS is the way. For others TERRORISM is the way. We all have our corrupt niches. Right?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 07 March 2012. Tags: application, attorneys, Corporations, gory, gory details, money, opposition, paying attention, Pink".", Trademarks, uspto, victoria s secret
I hired an attorney to file an application for a mark, and without going into all the gory details, Victoria’s Secret objected to my mark as being too similar to theirs when I had it published for opposition.
I have filed marks with the USPTO before and never had a problem with a big company like Victoria’s Secret even paying attention. There are plenty of other marks with the word PINK in them that have been registered successfully. My thoughts are that because I had an attorney file the mark really drew the attention from a huge company because an attorney was doing the filing. If I had filed the mark it probably would have never been opposed.
Am I right or wrong in my thinking? These big corporations most likely review the marks that attorneys are filing, mostly because someone has the money to pay an attorney to do the work and would be more likely to have funds to market their mark afterwords.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 24 August 2011. Tags: Affiliate, affiliate marketer, Corporations, Cost, Place, SEO, Work
I’m interested in becoming an affiliate marketer and am looking for some where to
learn and find work with some major corporations advertising their products.
Posted in Featured Articles