Hi im a 12yr boy and I like going in chat rooms posing as a 14/13 yr girl and talking to pedophiles telling them i love them and creating bonds for a while and then telling them im the fbi and logged their ip adress and then leaving them paranoid shock induced, and scared shitless.
i think its pretty funny. besides. thats why there in the chatrooms, DUH. >:O
http://omegle.com/ I used this
heres a transcript:
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label ‘Stranger:’. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: im 14 f virgin
Stranger: wwooooowww…
Stranger: m 18 here
Stranger: from?
You: are you willing to steal my verginity?
You: i travel
You: im in canada right now
Stranger: r u ready?
You: it depends
Stranger: depend on what?
You: do u love me?
Stranger: may i get your pic?
You: i have no pics sorry
You: my parents wont get me a camera >:(
You: sorry
You: wanna meet in person?
Stranger: i’m in Indonesia
You: WOW
You: IM planning to move there next week
Stranger: really?
You: yes! (LMFAO what a dumbass)
Stranger: what’s your name?
Stranger: can we meet here?
You: Maria Corastar (LOL i made that up)
You: sure
Stranger: nice name
You: thanks
Stranger: how we can meet here?
Stranger: where do u live in Indonesia?
You: i dunno you choose
Stranger: well I live in Jakarta
Stranger: but how i can found you
You: Dude, you know this is illegal right?
Stranger:You won’t tell anyone will you?
You: Busted!!!!!
Stranger: Whuuuuh??? O________________O
You: Your IP address and computer information has been logged in a criminal database and we will work with your ISP or employer to contact you regarding cyber crimes that are in violation of US Federal and International laws.
This page has been created in cooperation with the FBI and Interpol in an effort to bring cyber criminals to justice as well as those who are accessing or intending to knowingly access illegally obtained content. UselessJunk.com LLC – DBA UJ Network, and its affiliated sites (HackedPhones.com, UselessJunk.com, Swagster.com) have entered into a plea bargain with the FBI and Interpol and has agreed to work in partnership with the FBI and Interpol to identify cyber criminals in exchange for immunity regarding charges against UselessJunk.com LLC from class action litigation from SAGG & The Union Of California.
To read additional information regarding these serious charges or to appeal the process, please visit our information page.
Hacking and / or accessing illegally obtained digital media is a crime punishable in both US and International courts with fines of $250,000 per infraction, and up to 5 years in prison.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Pretty funny ‘eh?
Hook, Line, and SINKER >:P