A Salam o Alaikom
Thank you all for your time & answers!
I am (InshaALLAH) wanting to open an Islamic daycare in a couple weeks
There is definitely a big Muslim Niche here in the city I live
& I would like t o take part in the hasanate of teaching children Quran/ manners etc
I would like to start small in my home at first with 2 children
(I am persuing pursuing Childhood Education)
And later grow to another facility in the community that hold more children (INSHA-ALLAH!)
I definately would like to be competitive with the cost so
I’ve beat the least expensive daycare in town by $9.00!
25$ a day flat rate + optional food plan (20$ a week)
**I have lesson plans and a cariculumcurriculumned out. Ive made booklets for the parents on daily/weekly proceedurproceduresut to install a fence in my back yard**
including: Colors/#’s/Letters/Islamic phrases etc
Im making posters & signs to put outside of the local mesjid’s & Halal stores
& am still stuck on what name I should chose
I was wondering what you all thought:
“Little Siddiqi’s Daycare”
“Raising Siddiqi Daycare”
“Raising a Saddiq”
If you have any other input on names/ideas plesae advise