Tag Archive | "devry"

Nursing School Options…open To Any Advice?

I am 20 years old and i attended a cal state for 3 years and i was majoring in nursing. Overall i have okay grades, but considering how competitive nursing programs are i don’t think ill be able to get in. I feel that my application would be looked at , but i dont think ill actually get in. I currently applied to this school called “Chamberlain School of Nursing” and they have a 3year Bsn Program and I just found out i got accepted but I am not sure if i should go. I did my research and they are accredited but what bothers me is that they are affiliated with devry and I am not sure if thats where i want to go. I would really appreciate any advice! (I honestly cant see myself pursuing any other career that isnt in the medical field)

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How Do I Find My Niche In Life?

I’m 28 years old. I graduated in 2001. Since then, I’ve been through a lot of jobs. None of them really interesting me in pursuing. I’ve been through 2 colleges. U of Phoenix and Devry U. The 1st one didn’t work out because it was in Arizona and online. The 2nd one didn’t work out because of funding. I had a 3.5GPA and because of money, I had to drop out. I made too much the previous year.
So now I’m working full-time at a retail store, and I don’t want to be doing that, it’s just to get some money for bills. I wanted to be in computer science, but you need a degree for everything. And it looks like I have to front my own money from pocket, no co-signer. I know I want to do something with computers. But if it’s because of money, I’m not sure what else to do.
There’s kind of my background a little, any thoughts, thanks in advance. I’m just struggling to find my niche, and need some outside opinions.

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