Tag Archive | "domain names"

Is Their A Software That Will Expired Domains Automatically?

I have my eye on some domain names that are expiring very soon which I am keen to get hold of. They are not major domains just a couple which will be valuable to my niche.
Is there any software out there that takes over domains automatically if they are not renewed? I may be out the country when they expire so if I could set something up in advance that would be ideal.
Any ideas?

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How To Save Cost For Multiple Domain Names?

It is very costly to host different niche market under different domain names. Is there a way to save cost ? Example,one domain name for resell car, one for fitness, one for vegetable wholesale, all different domain names but pay only for one domain name?

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How Do You Setup Your Own Affiliate Program, Having Others Market Your Business In Return For A Set Percentage?

We have a small online business, it’s very much a niche business related to domain names – not selling them by the way. Anyway, business was great when it started initially as we were the only non-domain register affiliated service out there (and still are) but very quiet now – we did very little advertising initially and really pretty much none after that.
We run it basically as a hobby but it does have potential. So, we’re thinking – we charge x for our service, we setup some type of coupon code system with a unique code for each affiliate, the customer gets lets say 10% off when they arrive at the site and enter the code to purchase our service, we can then track which affiliate gets how much. We’re thinking generous commissions of say 50% on the net take. Would something like that work? Never tried anything like it so just wondering? By the way we have a service which folks absolutely have to use – if not from us from someone else but we are quite literally the cheapest such service on the net, problem is we don’t advertise and we don’t advertise because we don’t get the business….a loop, lol. Thanks.

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Do The Search Engines Penalize Forwarded Domain Names?

I bought a domain name a few months back and forwarded it to a affiliate product.
Now I want to host that domain and build a site.
Does anyone know if a cached version may harm my ability to rank or is can this be done with no slapping?

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