Posted on 22 December 2012. Tags: Bailey, barnum and bailey, barnum and bailey circus, brothers and barnum and bailey circus, btw, door, expense paid trip, Guess, mom, Number, ringling brothers and barnum, ringling brothers and barnum and bailey, ringling brothers and barnum and bailey circus, thanks in advance
When my mom and I went to the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey circus there were these people handing out cards when you walked in the door. I can’t remember if they affiliated with the circus, but they must have been if they were in the arena is my guess. They instructed us to fill out our name and number, and said they’d call if we won anything. Only my mom filled one out because the rest of us were under 21 (I’m 20 btw).
We got a call yesterday saying my mom had won an all expense paid trip for two to the Bahamas. They said we’d just have to pay the taxes. My mom didn’t believe them because she didn’t remember filling out the paper at the circus since that was about a month or so ago.
The lady that called left her name and number and told us to call back. She said we had a year to claim/take the trip.
No one knows whether to believe if this trip is real or not. What do you think?
Thanks in advance!
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 20 December 2012. Tags: bed, Corner, door, face, hinges, loaf of bread, middle aged man, police officer, policeman, steady pace, stool, stools, story ideas, stubble, tait
I have started writing this story which goes like this so far:
“Tait lay in his broken bed. The large shed that he had been living in had a wrecked roof and the door had almost been ripped off its hinges. He walked over to the the corner of the room and pulled out a half eaten loaf of bread. He tore a piece of it off and shoved it into his mouth. He looked out of the grubby window and gave a little smirk. Today was Saturday and all boys in London who were like Tait knew that this was a good day. He quickly put on some clothes (not that he had many) and ran outside. He walked down the road to the big courtyard. He looked at the market with a grin on his face. “So I need bread, a bit of meat and something which can get sell to get a lot of money,” he whispered to himself. He slowly walked from stool to stool looking at everything that they sold. One by one things from stools went missing and Tait’s pockets became full of things.
“Gotcha!” a man said grabbing Tait’s wrists. Tait turned around only to see a middle aged man with a light stubble on his face. “What have you taken today?” the man shouted.
“Nothing, police officer, I have taken nothing!” he cried back pull the policeman’s hand off of his wrist. He walked off at a steady pace but once he realized the police officer was following him he made a dash for it.”
I want Tait to go on some adventure or something like that but I am not to sure how to do that, HELP!
P.S. What do you think of it so far?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 23 November 2012. Tags: 20th centuries, american, american factories, building the panama canal, construction of the panama canal, door, indigenous cultures, labor unions in the united states, land, peacekeeping operations, political ties, Railroad, religious toleration, spanish american war, trade
1. At the end of the Spanish-American War, the United States acquired the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam. By colonizing these areas, the United States was trying to
A. Protect the indigenous cultures in these colonies.
B. Encourage conservation and protect the environment.
C. Promote religious toleration and free speech.
D. Send a signal to other nations that the U. S. was a world power.
2. Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy can best be described as an effort to do which of the following?
A. keep the US out of foreign affairs
B. use the US military to protect the country’s interests in other areas of the world
C. close China off to investors outside of the US
D. ignore European intervention in North and South America
3. In 1898, U.S. support for Cuban independence led to war with Spain and contributed to the United States becoming an imperial power. What was a decisive factor in the decision to go to war?
A. the opportunity to annex Hawaii
B. the desire to acquire a naval base
C. the protection of U.S. commerce and trade
D. the need for a shorter route from the Atlantic to the Pacific
4. One factor that motivated U.S. imperialism during the late 19th and early 20th centuries was the
A. Development of closer political ties with European nations.
B. Closing of China to all foreign trade.
C. Support of international peacekeeping operations.
D. Acquisition of new markets and sources of raw material.
5. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, U. S. foreign policy was directly linked to domestic concerns. The construction of the Panama Canal was a product of this relationship. What was the motive for building the Panama Canal?
A. Limiting the power of labor unions in the United States
B. Breaking up monopolies in American industries
C. Acquiring new markets and sources of raw materials for American factories
D. Extending land grants for railroad construction in Panama
6. In 1899 Secretary of State John Hay wrote the “open door policy” to implement in china. This policy provided
A. That all countries were allowed to trade with China
B. That only the United States could trade with China
C. Set up a secret alliance with Japan and China
D. Implemented high tariffs on trade
7. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, U.S. foreign policy was closely tied to domestic economic concerns. The annexation of Hawaii, the Open Door Policy with China, and the construction of the Panama Canal in Latin America were all motivated by an interest in
A. breaking up monopolies and trusts.
B. extending land grants for railroad construction.
C. acquiring new markets and sources of raw materials.
D. limiting the power of labor unions to strike.
8. What justification did President McKinley use to keep the Philippine Islands?
A. The United States did not have islands in the Pacific Ocean
B. That the U.S. had an obligation to teach the Filipinos about the virtues of American government and social values and to Christianize them
C. The United States needed people that spoke a different language
D. The United States wanted diversity and gaining the Philippines would help this
9. When a territory was conquered and controlled by an imperial power, life was often very difficult for people living in that territory. Why would reading a collection of letters written by people living under the control of an imperialist power be a more credible description of their life than a description in a recent history book?
A. The letters would contain bias.
B. The letters would be easier to understand.
C. The letter writers are the most educated about imperialism.
D. The letter writers are describing their own actual experiences.
10. The famous American writer Mark Twain expressed his opinion about U.S. actions in the Philippines after the Spanish-American War with the following words: “I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate (place under control) the people of the Philippines. We have gone to conquer, not to redeem (save). … I am opposed to having the [American] eagle put its talons on any other land.” This statement would be helpful in supporting the thesis that Mark Twain believed that
A. U.S. imperialism was wrong.
B. U.S. imperialism would bring stable government to the Philippines.
C. U.S. imperialism was necessary for the United States to become a world power.
D. U.S. imperialism civilized the people of the Philippines.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 26 October 2012. Tags: chice, childhood dream, circus, coins, door, Girl, market, old lady, parent, Parents, rich lady, Somebody, three kids, tittle, Witch
What is the name of that movie where three kids don’t have parents and they go to some secret parent market. They each get coins to make a chice of parents. They each take turns in picking parents, I believe one choses circus parents, and the girl chooses some rich lady. Well at the end none of them work out, and I believe the old lady next door is a witch and she kind of helps them out. It looks like an 80’s movie but I was so young when I saw the movie. Can somebody please help me relive my childhood dream. Thanks
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 03 January 2012. Tags: "self, beeline, benches, brick, cheerleaders, coke zero, Dancers, diet sprite, door, dream i had last night, Entrance, hallway, kind, main entrance, vending machine
This is a dream I had last night:
It starts off when I was at school. It was vaguely my own high-school, just a bit different. I was standing alone near this thing that was similar to these brick benches at my school, except for it was larger and a full square. There was dancers or cheerleaders inside the square, but they don’t matter.
I had set my pop that I usually bought down, but I noticed it was a Diet Sprite instead of a Coke Zero, and I was frustrated at the the vending machine for giving me the wrong thing.
The bell rang, so me and the other girls left.
We went in the entrance that felt like the main entrance, the entrance that the kids at my school come in every morning. From the auditorium-like place, I walked to a hallway that went off to the left. As I walked down the hall, I realized I had left my Sprite outside. I remembered (in the dream) that there was a little niche of classrooms ahead with a door to the outside and I made a beeline to towards there.
Here’s where things get strange. For some reason, and it kind of terrifies me, I started getting disoriented. It was weird, I knew where I was, but my mind kind of stopped working and I almost fell over and I couldn’t hear and there was dark spots in my vision and I was sort of paralyzed it was so odd I can’t describe it. 
Then, to make it weirder, I slipped my hand into this guy from my school’s hand, and we held hands and I almost fully returned to normal.
He gave me a smug, smirky look but didn’t say anything (he didn’t speak throughout the dream, and I suppose that was because I’ve never talked to him or really heard his voice).
We continued walking down the hallway until we turned into a classroom, and apparently the door to outside was in that classroom, something that I knew in the dream instinctively.
I left the boy in the classroom, but turned back and told him to find me and talk to me later.
From the door I could see the brick square again. I went back into the paralyzed mind state, and stumbled towards it. As I drew closer, a woman I recognized in-dream as the assistant principal was out there picking up trash and making sure there was no students skipping class. I tripped over to my Sprite and giggled and told the assistant principal that I wouldn’t be too long, but she ignored me.
And then I woke up. :/
What I would like to know about most is the weird mind-paralysis.
It terrifies me, even if Dream-Me acted as if it was normal. My dream self acted as if everything was normal, even the boy holding my hand. Though, my dream self seemed to know as much about him as I do; his name and what her looks like. There was no weird dream mechanics where I instantly knew everything about him or why he continued holding my hand.
Again, I know almost nothing about the boy, and I have no idea why he was in my dream.
(And, contrary to what my sister thinks after I described the dream, I do not have a crush on him)
Both my dream self and I were perplexed as to why he was there.
Any ideas? What does this all mean?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 18 October 2011. Tags: aubergines, bell peppers, commotion, door, door peephole, eudoxia, handmade wooden spoons, Home, luxembourg gardens, reading a book, recipe, smell, stew, stews, vegetable stew
Today, my pet snail Eudoxia and I decided to cook a vegetable stew with aubergines and bell peppers, by our special secret grandmother’s recipe. We visited the local market, bought all the needed ingredients, came home and very soon the tasty smell of baked peppers, aubergines, and tomatoes, fried with the best olive oil, permeated our building. The stew turned out great, though we say so ourselves. But, as you know, the cook vegetable stews need to cool down, and, to get the best flavour, you should let them be at least for an evening, or even the whole night. So, we decided to go for a walk to Luxembourg gardens, before eating it, to stretch our legs and watch the squirrels. As we approached the door, we heard noise and commotion outside. We looked out of our door peephole and there were all our neighbours: Monsieur Mangedetout, Madame Mangedetout and their children, three little Mangedetouts. They all were sniffing the air avidly, and their jaws moved, and they all had huge handmade wooden spoons in their hands. So that you know, Mangedetouts are very economical, yet they love their food. It was obvious that they sniffed our stew from afar, and lay in ambush, waiting till we open the door, to jump on the opportunity to invite themselves in and eat all of our vegetable stew. Not to be outdone, Eudoxia and I went back and sat on our sofa, reading a book, for about half an hour, but when we then went back to the door, the Mangedetouts were still there, still waving their huge spoons in the air, and still moving their jaws in a frightening manner. It looks like we can’t get out without sacrificing our stew! But we do not want to! Yet, we can’t stay in forever, so what should we do?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101