Posted on 05 October 2011. Tags: designer, door, fashion industry, foot, Jobs, money, niche, problem, small town in texas
I love fashion so much it hurts. I’m 19 and just trying to find that think I’m good at, and love…My niche in life. I’m not going to lie I don’t know that much, if anything, about fashion. But you can always learn right? I’m not talking about being a designer. But whats some “beginner” jobs to, you know, get my foot in the door?
Another problem is I live in a UBER small town in Texas…and no money to move. But I’m assuming if I really what to do this I will have to move.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 08 August 2011. Tags: absolute beauty, bed, body, burning timber, dark person, death, door, empty bottles, fifteenth birthday, knee length, life maths, romantic trip, summer shirts, tortured soul, way
49b West St, Bristol
A dark soul doesn’t make a dark person, but a dark mind. The words of a father who had raised a daughter to accommodate a niche in his life, a sense of unaccomplished purpose, that he’d given the world nothing to remember him by and a child that took his name would fill this gap. And while her mother would take her on picnics alongside her grandmother, he’d read her Dante and encourage her to break away from the traditional. This early symbolism had a profound effect on the girl, raging against normality and the trials of an ordinary life. Maths Textbook ’86, knee length skirts, mum and the pressure from all of those she knew to kiss a boy. Not father, he understood that she was different. It troubled him but he ‘got it’ as she told him emotionally on her fifteenth birthday before introducing him to her first love Liz Sale the next week. She had such belief in her father being the only person alive that understood her being ‘virtually alone’, that when he died only months later she attempted to take her own life, for the first time.
As she stood inhaling the fumes of her own act, back pressed against the rapidly burning timber of her front door, this tortured soul laughed out loud at what she’d done. For the one bed roomed, top floor flat behind her held the memories of her past life, ones which were now smouldering in the depths of an inferno, started many years previously in the caves of her mind.
The blisters forming on her upper back meant little to her, no pain could shatter the absolute beauty of a new start, however difficult that fresh ‘life’ may prove to be. For, unconscious, on a brass built double bed next to an ashen pile of summer shirts and four empty bottles of value vodka, was a woman she’d met three years previously and first kissed two months later. A woman that believed they were in love and that had booked a two night romantic trip to Bruges for the 24th of that month. Now slowly burning to death on her own bed, Turned upon by a psychopathic depressive with access to alcohol and a cigarette lighter.
True, she’d loved the heart and mind and body of her ‘Astrid’ (so she called her for her resemblance to the photographer Astrid Kirchherr), yet in the end the darkness of her mind had led her to the atrocious act. Like an infected sore inside her brain that had inflamed, mutated her father’s words into thoughts of brutal murder. To burn her lover to death on a warm summer’s evening, to take advantage of the flat they rented together was not only to murder ‘Astrid’ but rid herself of the infection. At that, slumped against the far wall, tears of laughter rolling down her face – she was free.
The skin of ‘Astrid’s’ right arm began to peel, dying away at the intense heat of a room falling to wreck itself, the bedroom that she’d spent nights of passion, fatigue and rest within was now giving up its memory to the acrid smoke and curling flames that engulfed it. She gave one last forceful shunt to the door, collapsing to the ground as it gave way, already weakened by the heat. An unbearable surge of flame forced its way through the air as ‘Astrid’ collapsed. Hitting the floor her mind turned to what had happened, the electric kettle to the face. ‘Astrid’ wept, she’d thought she could change her, how wrong she’d been.
Smoke, black, pursed its way through the gap between the door and threshold, finding the ceiling seconds later. Yet all she could do was watch, laughing as her own death drew slowly nearer. The crackle of the fire attacking the wood scared her little, she’d lost her respectability, her intrigue in life, her love, her future and she was glad of it, for now she was soothed by the inevitability of death’s sweet release. Suicide was nothing new to her, three times had she attempted the plunge from Clifton suspension bridge into the Avon Gorge in her youth, only coerced out of the matter by shallow promises of change. Although she’d never succeeded, every time she did so a little piece of her had died, her eyes becoming colder. It was time.
Wood splintered and the air seemed to rip in two as the first shot ricocheted through her shoulder, the second found the upper arm. Into the smouldering heat that now enveloped her body she let out a blood boiling scream as all memories of her dark, tortured life were lost to the fire and the crimson blood that rolled down her right arm. The bullets now embedded in the wall of the corridor had come not from the far end of the hall but the other side of the door caught up in the blaze within. Her head hit the floor, body sliding down the wall, smearing it in her blood. She blinked for a final time before the blackness embraced her. Seeing the two splintered holes at the bottom of the door, just above the letter box made her smile. In her final act she had failed to destroy her own memories, it had been them that had destroyed her.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 15 July 2011. Tags: consequence, door, Fraud, job, local county, Profit, surveys, Water, water district
I used to work for a non-profit that was affiliated with the water district of my local county. My job was to go door to door asking the people im the list to fill out a survey. We were told that we had to fill a certain number of surveys per day. Recently I was fired because they called some people and they claim they never took a survey. I admit that I did falsify some of the answers to meet my daily goal, but not very often. My question is, can I be sued for fraud by the non profit I worked with, the water district, or the people whose surveys were forged? They were not asked to sign anything or show id when they took the survey. They were on the list because they are registered voters. Ive learned my lesson but im hoping getting fired is the only consequence.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 24 February 2011. Tags: american citizen, beirut, beirut lebanon, door, flat screen displays, font, front, glass front, model, provocative imagery, sales reps, secret lingerie, store, subliminal advertising, xxx shop
Okay so here’s the situation…
I am an american citizen born in Beirut Lebanon, I saved up enough cash to buy a store, decorate it to look like a Victoria’s secret store excellent lighting, the same drawer system as Victoria’s secret, got the VS merchandise only issue I have…. well….
the store is in Beirut Lebanon, smack in the middle of Islam wonderland… where showing an advertisement of a model showing any kind of skin would result in that poster getting sprayed black by (sex deprived loons)
I did my research, VS products are in high demand by the women here, I can get VS products from the states on a regular basis , the rules are as follows I am unable to show any sexually provocative imagery to the outside (Basically think of it as a XXX shop in the states) with an all black entrance and just the recognized big XXX on the front door…
Obviously i spent a bit of cash on the decor of the store and the way the store runs to have it blocked out from public and being unable to advertise what I’m selling….
the good side to this whole thing…. I can show anything i like on the inside i just need to get the customers to go in…. once they are in… I got the trained commission hungry sales reps waiting and the exotic erotic video’s playing on flat screen displays showing models prancing around wearing what i’m selling to keep em entertained and intrigued and locked in the store for the longest amount of time to allow for impulse buys…..
to make this happen I had to design the front of the store as follows … an all glass front door on side the other side is blocked by a shiny black display preventing people from seeing in….
now…. being that it’s in lebanon I have the following benefits… no copyright laws, no subliminal advertising laws, basically no laws… lol I can do anything with this huge bulletin board thats the front of my store…. as long as it does not display any images of half naked women….
I was thinking of something to do with negative command’s…. with the words (Victoria’s Secret) in the font and color used on their logo in the middle of a paragraph in smaller font with different color something along the lines of “A poster with one of the most beautiful sexy model wearing the same (Victoria’s Secret) lingerie that’s sold inside goes here”
as you can see…. this type of technique forces you to visualize the sexy model in your head as you read it… and being that people wouldn’t wanna read this much on bulletin the words (Victoria’s Secret) in big pink font is in the middle of the sentence and the board enough to attract the right customers and also as an added bonus it tells you that whatever you visualized her wearing is exactly what I’m selling inside….. …
I need feedback advise and critique i also need to perfect that sentence make it short, gets the point across and as influential as humanly possible …
hope this is challenging enough for all you marketing/advertising hot shots…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 21 February 2011. Tags: american citizen, beirut, beirut lebanon, door, flat screen displays, font, front, glass front, model, provocative imagery, sales reps, secret lingerie, store, subliminal advertising, xxx shop
Okay so here’s the situation…
I am an american citizen born in Beirut Lebanon, I saved up enough cash to buy a store, decorate it to look like a Victoria’s secret store excellent lighting, the same drawer system as Victoria’s secret, got the VS merchandise only issue I have…. well….
the store is in Beirut Lebanon, smack in the middle of Islam wonderland… where showing an advertisement of a model showing any kind of skin would result in that poster getting sprayed black by (sex deprived loons)
I did my research, VS products are in high demand by the women here, I can get VS products from the states on a regular basis , the rules are as follows I am unable to show any sexually provocative imagery to the outside (Basically think of it as a XXX shop in the states) with an all black entrance and just the recognized big XXX on the front door…
Obviously i spent a bit of cash on the decor of the store and the way the store runs to have it blocked out from public and being unable to advertise what I’m selling….
the good side to this whole thing…. I can show anything i like on the inside i just need to get the customers to go in…. once they are in… I got the trained commission hungry sales reps waiting and the exotic erotic video’s playing on flat screen displays showing models prancing around wearing what i’m selling to keep em entertained and intrigued and locked in the store for the longest amount of time to allow for impulse buys…..
to make this happen I had to design the front of the store as follows … an all glass front door on side the other side is blocked by a shiny black display preventing people from seeing in….
now…. being that it’s in lebanon I have the following benefits… no copyright laws, no subliminal advertising laws, basically no laws… lol I can do anything with this huge bulletin board thats the front of my store…. as long as it does not display any images of half naked women….
I was thinking of something to do with negative command’s…. with the words (Victoria’s Secret) in the font and color used on their logo in the middle of a paragraph in smaller font with different color something along the lines of “A poster with one of the most beautiful sexy model wearing the same (Victoria’s Secret) lingerie that’s sold inside goes here”
as you can see…. this type of technique forces you to visualize the sexy model in your head as you read it… and being that people wouldn’t wanna read this much on bulletin the words (Victoria’s Secret) in big pink font is in the middle of the sentence and the board enough to attract the right customers and also as an added bonus it tells you that whatever you visualized her wearing is exactly what I’m selling inside….. …
I need feedback advise and critique i also need to perfect that sentence make it short, gets the point across and as influential as humanly possible …
hope this is challenging enough for all you marketing/advertising hot shots…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 18 February 2011. Tags: american citizen, beirut, beirut lebanon, door, flat screen displays, font, front, glass front, model, provocative imagery, sales reps, secret lingerie, store, subliminal advertising, xxx shop
Okay so here’s the situation…
I am an american citizen born in Beirut Lebanon, I saved up enough cash to buy a store, decorate it to look like a Victoria’s secret store excellent lighting, the same drawer system as Victoria’s secret, got the VS merchandise only issue I have…. well….
the store is in Beirut Lebanon, smack in the middle of Islam wonderland… where showing an advertisement of a model showing any kind of skin would result in that poster getting sprayed black by (sex deprived loons)
I did my research, VS products are in high demand by the women here, I can get VS products from the states on a regular basis , the rules are as follows I am unable to show any sexually provocative imagery to the outside (Basically think of it as a XXX shop in the states) with an all black entrance and just the recognized big XXX on the front door…
Obviously i spent a bit of cash on the decor of the store and the way the store runs to have it blocked out from public and being unable to advertise what I’m selling….
the good side to this whole thing…. I can show anything i like on the inside i just need to get the customers to go in…. once they are in… I got the trained commission hungry sales reps waiting and the exotic erotic video’s playing on flat screen displays showing models prancing around wearing what i’m selling to keep em entertained and intrigued and locked in the store for the longest amount of time to allow for impulse buys…..
to make this happen I had to design the front of the store as follows … an all glass front door on side the other side is blocked by a shiny black display preventing people from seeing in….
now…. being that it’s in lebanon I have the following benefits… no copyright laws, no subliminal advertising laws, basically no laws… lol I can do anything with this huge bulletin board thats the front of my store…. as long as it does not display any images of half naked women….
I was thinking of something to do with negative command’s…. with the words (Victoria’s Secret) in the font and color used on their logo in the middle of a paragraph in smaller font with different color something along the lines of “A poster with one of the most beautiful sexy model wearing the same (Victoria’s Secret) lingerie that’s sold inside goes here”
as you can see…. this type of technique forces you to visualize the sexy model in your head as you read it… and being that people wouldn’t wanna read this much on bulletin the words (Victoria’s Secret) in big pink font is in the middle of the sentence and the board enough to attract the right customers and also as an added bonus it tells you that whatever you visualized her wearing is exactly what I’m selling inside….. …
I need feedback advise and critique i also need to perfect that sentence make it short, gets the point across and as influential as humanly possible …
hope this is challenging enough for all you marketing/advertising hot shots…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101