Posted on 14 November 2012. Tags: answering questions, bullies, Cook, cooking meals, dad, daughter, dorms, life hell, little brother, pushover, saturday evening, text, those guys, veracity
So, last year I was friends with some pretty mean people. The kind of people that would pretend to be my friend so I’d write their assignments for them and cook for them, etc (I know, I’m a pushover). They kind of grew to hate me for answering questions in lectures and soon enough I started getting anonymous text messages telling me to kill myself again and how my dead dad was ashamed to have a daughter like me…yeah it wasn’t pretty. I became really depressed and stopped hanging out with them, except their harassment never quite stopped, in fact I ended up being unable to socialize with most people because when I did, the bullies would go and ‘hang out’ with those people. I’ve moved out of dorms now and live with some pretty cool people, none of which are in my course. Except this one guy, who I really cared about. He was like a cross between a puppy and a little brother, I completely trusted him as a friend, having him over practically every friday till saturday evening, cooking meals for us to eat together, watching movies until like 6am, you know. But the thing is, he hangs out with the people that harassed me. I’d told him before that I felt really uncomfortable by it, and he insisted it was just because of a study group. I even showed him all the messages and evidence I had, but I found it wasn’t his fault they were in the same uni activities, so didn’t say anything. Fast forward to today, when I go to his facebook wall to post a funny picture, I notice there are pictures of him…at a party with the very people that have been making my life hell for over a year now! I called him out on it, and all he basically said was that he didn’t think he was in the wrong and that he wasn’t going to take anyone’s sides. That he liked me just as much as he liked those guys, and then he went on to question the veracity of everything I’d told him. ‘Why would they do that?’ ‘I don’t think they’re the kind of people to treat anyone like that’, he said stuff like that, maintaining his innocence throughout….
Is it really that wrong for me to feel really hurt and betrayed by him? I’m so scared of these bullies, I haven’t gone to lectures in a month now and am back to my antidepressants, things that he knows perfectly well. I don’t even want him to confront those people, some of my other friends who don’t hang out with me as much as my ‘best friend’ wanted to teach the bullies a lesson, but confrontations scare me, so I told them repeatedly that all I wanted was to pretend the bullies dont exist and get on with things. Even when one of the people sat next to me and punched me under the table until I was bruised, I still just dealt with it by ignoring it.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 03 November 2012. Tags: adult advice, Appreciated., apprentice, bff, dorms, friends family, Home, issue, local college, mature adults, mess, Option, pastors, summer break, sunday afternoon
So here goes, my mess be patient please! 
19 going on 20 my boyfriend of over a year wants to get married next year, The issue is we live 4 hours apart. I am away at school for nursing and he is an apprentice for a mechanic. We have known eachother since we where 15 our friends, family, and pastors are all behind us in getting married. Things just aren’t working though. I go home every 2 weeks for the weekend to see him and friends and family, but then I have to drive back to school on Sunday afternoon which is 4 hours away from his house (3 from our hometown) He really wants me to come back to town and go to our towns local college for their nursing program, but the school they are affiliated with is not a well known or a recognizable school. Option 2. The same school as the one in my town is located 1.5 hours away from my home town and affiliated with a recongizable school however this kinda impedes on his marriage idea because he wants to get married once I start my “summer break” in may or the first weekish of june. It;s really hard for him to see me and for us to cordinate everything Option 3. My best friends is going to the most recognized school in my province and I could go with her and room with her ( better than living in dorms) but still 3/4 hours away. Option 4. If I go to the school with my bff, then I can transfer the next semester to where my boyfriend will be doing trade school and we could be together (married some how because he wants to be married this spring remember) he would just have to be willing to move up towards my area for work.
See this is a mess, I would really appreciate some opinions that might work from adults. Mature adults I don’t want comments from people being tool’s about the situation.
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Posted on 10 April 2012. Tags: Building, college, college freshman, dorm room, dorms, east coast, entire college, hall, partier, popular guy, roommate, Situation, snickers, video gaming, Wing
My living situation sucks. i live across the hall from my ex boyfriend and no one lives in this building?
Im a college freshman. I go to school in chicago. I live 20 minutes from the main campus by subway in this university affiliated housing that no one lives in. There are about 2000 students who live in this 18 story building, but it consists of like 4 colleges, and no students interact with people from other colleges because you dont know who is from what college. Its very very antisocial here. No interaction at all really. There are only like 30 kids from my entire college in this building. Its weird. On my floor there is a wing for kids from my college, and there are about 17 of us. They are all video gaming guys. I am one of the only girls, besides my suitemates (one is a big partier and tried to have sex with my ex boyfriend, so clearly i dont interact with her. Shes mean too, and really annoying, and she never talks to me. Then there is my other suitemate who is nice but i dont hang out with her because she is gone a lot from her dorm and always busy)
So really, im the only girl who is ever there in the dorms. I dont mind being the only girl, its just that all the guys are all like one big clique. My ex boyfriend lives right across the hall from me and is like the most popular guy in this wing now. None of the people here talk to me, because of what happened between me and Mike. Once Mike and I broke up, they stopped talking to me. Its really awkward leaving my dorm room and seeing one of them in the hallway because they just see me as his ex girlfriend….and its really awkward because Mike snickers to his friends when he sees me.
I have two months of school left. I dont think im coming back to this college next year. I think im going back home to the east coast next year. But how can i survive the rest of this year? Its so lonely and isolating here. I dont have a roommate anymore. In general, this building is just really anti-social. We arent even allowed to keep our doors open ever. We have to keep them shut at all times.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 09 April 2012. Tags: boyfriend, Building, college, college freshman, dorm room, dorms, east coast, entire college, Hate, partier, popular guy, roommate, snickers, video gaming, Wing
My living situation sucks. i live across the hall from my ex boyfriend and no one lives in this building?
Im a college freshman. I go to school in chicago. I live 20 minutes from the main campus by subway in this university affiliated housing that no one lives in. There are about 2000 students who live in this 18 story building, but it consists of like 4 colleges, and no students interact with people from other colleges because you dont know who is from what college. Its very very antisocial here. No interaction at all really. There are only like 30 kids from my entire college in this building. Its weird. On my floor there is a wing for kids from my college, and there are about 17 of us. They are all video gaming guys. I am one of the only girls, besides my suitemates (one is a big partier and tried to have sex with my ex boyfriend, so clearly i dont interact with her. Shes mean too, and really annoying, and she never talks to me. Then there is my other suitemate who is nice but i dont hang out with her because she is gone a lot from her dorm and always busy)
So really, im the only girl who is ever there in the dorms. I dont mind being the only girl, its just that all the guys are all like one big clique. My ex boyfriend lives right across the hall from me and is like the most popular guy in this wing now. None of the people here talk to me, because of what happened between me and Mike. Once Mike and I broke up, they stopped talking to me. Its really awkward leaving my dorm room and seeing one of them in the hallway because they just see me as his ex girlfriend….and its really awkward because Mike snickers to his friends when he sees me.
I have two months of school left. I dont think im coming back to this college next year. I think im going back home to the east coast next year. But how can i survive the rest of this year? Its so lonely and isolating here. I dont have a roommate anymore. In general, this building is just really anti-social. We arent even allowed to keep our doors open ever. We have to keep them shut at all times.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 17 April 2011. Tags: boyfriends, close friends, college, comm college, dorms, freshman year, girlfriend, guy, jerk, loner, new friend, real jerk, rest of my life, roommate, university
So I’ve been in a relationship technically for 4 years. Two years with a real jerk starting at age 15, then another two years with a great guy starting at 17 and lasting until a few weeks ago at age 19. Most of our relationship was long distance (2hrs) because we go to different universities. So the only new “friend” I made at college was my roommate. We were both always gone on the weekends seeing our boyfriends and weren’t very social because we both didn’t need to be at the time. Bf’s were our life.
Well my most recent Ex thought it would be best to break up because I was the only girlfriend he had ever had and so I don’t really blame him. The sucky part is that we still care for each other and didn’t end on bad terms.
I feel like a new student at my University because I don’t know anyone, and it’s the end of the school year pretty much. I am a sophomore and will be a junior next fall. I have like one or two close friends from High school who I can confide in for now, but will it be hard to find a group of girlfriends to hang out with? I am getting anxious and nervous about my future now and if I will be a loner for the rest of my life. Did anyone transfer from a Comm. College to a University and feel the same way? I feel like everyone already has their niche that they built during freshman year in the dorms.
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