Posted on 07 March 2011. Tags: brother don, car driver, driver license, economic crisis, economy, Everyone, Father, hello everyone, how to make money in the stock market, money, pension money, recession, stock, stomach cancer, sucess
Hello Everyone 🙂
I need some a Opinion/Help.
I am 18 years old but i want to start getting my life started
Currently in this year i want to get my Car driver license but i can’t.
My father died about 1 year and half with Stomach cancer, since then we have been receiving Money pension. I want to start working but my mother and my brother don’t let me.
Why do i fix this Dilemma?
Is there anyway for me to win money in the more “Easily” way?
Using some kind of secret in the economy or on the Stock Market
How to Make Money in the Stock Market During the the Economic Crisis and Profit from the Recession?
Is there anyway for me to gain money without loosing my father pension
btw: The pension money doesn’t go for me, it goes for the food. And my brother is a rich guy but he doesn’t tell how to make sucess, HELP?
I am from Portugal
P.S – My mother and my brother and extremely controlling me, i can’t have my own life with them stopping me! (I feel angry, suffocated and annoyed with that)
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 06 March 2011. Tags: brother don, car driver, driver license, economic crisis, economy, Everyone, Father, hello everyone, how to make money in the stock market, money, pension money, recession, stock, stomach cancer, sucess
Hello Everyone 🙂
I need some a Opinion/Help.
I am 18 years old but i want to start getting my life started
Currently in this year i want to get my Car driver license but i can’t.
My father died about 1 year and half with Stomach cancer, since then we have been receiving Money pension. I want to start working but my mother and my brother don’t let me.
Why do i fix this Dilemma?
Is there anyway for me to win money in the more “Easily” way?
Using some kind of secret in the economy or on the Stock Market
How to Make Money in the Stock Market During the the Economic Crisis and Profit from the Recession?
Is there anyway for me to gain money without loosing my father pension
btw: The pension money doesn’t go for me, it goes for the food. And my brother is a rich guy but he doesn’t tell how to make sucess, HELP?
I am from Portugal
P.S – My mother and my brother and extremely controlling me, i can’t have my own life with them stopping me! (I feel angry, suffocated and annoyed with that)
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 23 February 2011. Tags: air traffic controllers, budget, economy, fresh graduates, governor walker, national guardsman, president reagan, public sector employees, reserve currency, sector, Situation, social security tax, state, state budgets, wisconsin state senators
Those 14 Wisconsin state senators will have to return from Illinois eventually and when they do the collective bargaining bill will pass in that states house. I believe those public sector teachers that have called off work for the past 3 days should be summarily fired. Their in a precedence for this. In 1981 President Reagan gave the striking air traffic controllers one day to report to work, when they failed to report he fired 11,000 of them and replaced them with National Guardsman. Governor Walker should fire every absent teacher on Monday morning and replace them with some of the thousands of fresh graduates across the country that would love to have the job. Those teachers make $20,000 more on average then the average Wisconsin; if you add in the benefits that they receive and don’t pay for the disparity goes up to $50,000 more per year. Who is really hurting here, the teachers or the kids that are at home all week with parents that can’t go to work because they can’t leave the child alone?
Governor’s across the country need to balance their state budgets, even if the federal government decided to put it off for another year. Today we are faced with budget deficits that present a real danger to the dollars place as the world reserve currency, the IMF, several EU nations and China have expressed interest in the past 60 days in using another currency as the world reserve currency; if that happens life as we know it in America while cease to exist.
We can no longer afford to have tax payers pay for public sector employees pension and salaries. We can no longer afford to pay hundreds of billions of dollars per year for welfare and social security. Tax payers certainly can not afford to for every Americans health care. People have to take cuts and pay more for benefits or we are all going to suffer through hyperinflation.
It’s no secret that the private sector creates wealth, things of value, small businesses and jobs. The public sector creates nothing of value for our economy. Why should private sector tax payers be forced to pay for the pensions and salaries of public sector employees that don’t create wealth for our economy? It’s just common sense. The public sector doesn’t pay nearly as much for benefits and they make much more then those that are paying for them to live and retire worry free lives. for the past two decades unions have been losing ground in business and gaining membership among federal employees. Why do federal employees need the AFL-CIO? I believe it should be illegal for federal emloyees to unionize; federal employees work for us, it’s not the other way around.
Unions are being exposed for the archaic, anti-free market organizations that they have degenerated into. The mid-term election of this past November not only lead to a histroic republican pick up in congress but it also wiped out the ‘farm team’ of state democrat law makers for a decade. American’s a tired of unions, social spending programs, government waste and the assualt on productive members of society. It’s time to take the kid gloves off and get serious about cutting the federal budget.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 11 January 2011. Tags: Answer, economy, Other, site, traffic, ty, Website
then please list:
1) how much $$ amount is roughly made / month
2) which affiliates offer the best payout
3) (if you have a site) how much traffic do you get roughly and what type of site you have
most informative answer wins!!! TY
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 05 November 2010. Tags: bickers, Cons, democrat, economy, illegal immigrants, Illegals, immigration problem, joke, misinformation, pros and cons, republican parties, sense, slap in the face
So, in most places that I read about the escalating problem of illegal immigrants in our country (I’m aware it’s been like this for quite a long time and it’s not a recent thing), I really don’t know what to believe since a lot of people affiliated with the both the Democrat and Republican parties both seem intent on spreading as much misinformation as possible about how illegals really affect our country. What I want to find out is what are the actual pros and cons of allowing them to continue to stay here. For me personally, it doesn’t make sense to let all the needy coming in from all these different countries sneak in and we get to take care of them when our own people and economy need to be taken care of. Also, it just seems like a slap in the face to the immigrants who persevere and come in legally and when illegals put their personal (sometimes incredibly saddening) situations above our own system and laws, it just diminishes the value of those laws we put in place and makes it seem like big joke that we even have them in the first place.
Despite how it affects me emotionally, I appreciate the truth and facts a lot more so I can think rationally about it. So, what are the real pros and cons of the current presence of illegals in our country? How does it benefit the Democratic and Republican parties? How does it benefit the American people as a whole? As for a solution, I’m not really sure what will eventually happen, but it needs to happen fast. The situation is getting way out of control all the while Congress bickers and points the finger of blame at each other and neglecting to just sit down with each other and form a solution that every one can agree and compromise on. What would be your solution to the immigration problem?
P.S. If it means anything, you could consider me an independent (though I don’t really care for labels much). Also, if you’d be so kind as to provide sources for any claims you make, that would be much appreciated.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 31 October 2010. Tags: Advertising, college, decent writer, direction, economy, job, Jobs, lifestyle, listener, Major, math, niche, passion, sophomore
Ok, I am a sophomore in college and I have changed my major literally, every semester. I honestly don’t know what kind of jobs are out there and I am petrified of choosing something and not being able to find a job because of the economy (I’ve looked into advertising but like I said i’m worried I won’t find a job). I know I want to do something big with my life, I am very creative and love being able to use that. I also really enjoy talking to people, i’m a decent writer and a great listener. I hate math with a passion and I would really like to have a career that will allow me to provide a comfortable lifestyle for me and my one-day family. (More specifically, afford to vacation. Haha) I don’t know if that provides enough information but if any of you know something I could look into that might fit my skill set, I would MORE than appreciate it. I feel like I’m going to have a breakdown if I can’t find my niche’ soon.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101