Posted on 03 October 2012. Tags: biology, Community, decline, due tomorrow, endangered animal, endangered species, everything, niche, organisms, paragraph, Plant, population, Tomorrow
I have to right this paragraph in biology about how if an endangered species became extinct, then how would it affect the rest of the organisms. I also need to use the words niche, population, and community in the paragraph. My endangered animal is a plant, so wouldn’t everything decline? I still don’t know how I’m going to fit niche in there. Any help will be appreciated considering that this due tomorrow, thanks.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 04 November 2011. Tags: brown tree snake, Destruction, different reasons, ecological niche, Endangered, endangered species, Extinct, extinct species, guam rail, habitat destruction, hungry soldiers, laysan, Snake, Victim, wake island rail
Species. Let me explain.
For example, the Guam Rail is extinct in the wild because of the Brown Tree Snake. Meanwhile, the Hawaiian, Laysan and Wake Island Rails are all extinct, for different reasons. Could introducing the Guam Rail to one of these islands work? The Wake Island rail was extirminated by hungry soldiers in WWII, and the Laysan Rail was victim of habitat destruction by rabbits, but the rabbits have been exterminated, so the Guam Rail would not be threatened by those.
So, the Guam Rail ‘could’ be helped by filling an ecological niche, thereby probably helping (or at least not hurting) the island it’s introduced to. Of course, whether or not it survives is still a question, but research beforehand would probably fix/help that.
But, yeah- has there been any thought of helping an endangered species by having it ‘replace’ a similar extinct species to increase it’s numbers?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 27 April 2011. Tags: anything, endangered species, iberian lynx, idea, Lynx, niche, project, school
I’m doing a project for school on endangered species and I can’t seem to find the Iberian Lynx’s role in life. If anyone knows, has any idea, thoughts, anything please help, it is much appreciated!(:
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 14 March 2011. Tags: Answer, Characteristics, endangered species, habitat, health, Important, Individual, measurement, Niches
a. they serve as a measurement of the overall health of the habitat
b. once they become extinct, the niches they occupied are never filled again
c. other species may depend upon interactions with the endangered species
d. a and c only
I’m thinking the answer is D.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 18 October 2010. Tags: Adaption, Argali, Diet, endangered species, Food, food web, niche, Other, reproduction, Sheep, wild sheep
I’m doing my project on Endangered Species..and i cant seem to find anything about its Niche…
I need to know
its niche, diet,habits… Reproduction adaption and also what makes it unique.

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 01 September 2010. Tags: 'replaced, animal plan, changing environments, Earth, endangered species, Extinct, fungus, little animal, Niches, organisms, Plan, plants and animals, trample
Even before humans entered the scene, many species of plants and animals were extinct and have been going extinct ever since the first organisms evolved on Earth. New ones constantly are evolving to fill niches and adapt to changing environments. Why are we even concerned about endangered species? If one species goes extinct won’t another replace it? Do we need all of these species anyway? Should humans have the right to inhabit anyplace we want to without worrying about which little animal/plan/fungus we trample?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101