Tag Archive | "exercise"

Why Do People Who Have Treated Their Condition With Diet And Exercise Think They Discovered It?

I believe you cured your ailment, I believe it was thru your own actions and motivation, but this attitude I don’t understand. Maybe I’m missing something in translation, IDK.
The first thing a family doctor does is check your vitals, he has charts on the wall with your possible BMI charted. Healthy living is the first thing he stresses, at least for me.
OK, maybe he stresses meds too much: He’s a medical doctor, that’s his niche. Whatever else you have going is between your personal trainer and you, or in some cases your pastor and you.
Do you really think you created a new type of therapy? Don’t hold a grudge for the doctor, he’s making a living. Don’t hold a grudge against the pharmaceutical companies just because they over hype their product. It is a business after all. I understand it’s different because it’s your health at stake. They aren’t required to give a damn, nor do they. Yes, please spread the word, it’s needed. However if you buy Tylenol or Nyquil that really compromises your stance, IMO. At this I add that I’m aware of the lies doled out daily, I’m not that naive.
I won’t get into conspiracy theories just yet, but if you think it’s relevant please include it in you answer.

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Diet And Exercise Plan? Please Review For Me?

So, I’m 13, 5″5′, a female, and weigh a little over 140lbs. I’m looking to lose at least 32 pounds (which will put me at about 113lbs) by May 8th. Starting at the beginning of the new year I will be cutting out all junk food, fast food, and soda. (I’ll still drink diet coke though) Also, I will start a daily exercise routine, and be following a diet.
Here’s my exercise:
-Jumping rope 35-45mins every week (jumping rope counts as cardio, correct?)
-Walking/Jogging probably twice during the week (usually I’ll be doing 2+ miles)
-Cardio exercises from Blogilates on Youtube twice a week
-Various reps/sets of the following: crunches, jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, ect.
-Yoga, and flexibility exercises (can you recommend me some?)
My diet: *I may substitute some meals throughout the week but they will be healthy*
Breakfast: 1 cup milk, 1 piece of toast with no butter or jam, a piece of fruit.
Lunch: small salad with , tomatoes, and ranch on the side, 1 can of diet coke
Dinner: egg sandwich with mayo, mixed vegetables.
Remember that I will be drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
How does this sound? According to myfitnesspal I will be eating a bit under 350cals. Though I don’t know exactly how much I will be burning by exercise.
Also, when do you think I will start to see results?

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Athletic Performance Enhancement- Any Career Options For An Md?

I went to college for exercise science. I am now in med school. I loved exercise science, but didn’t like the idea of being a personal trainer for financial reasons. So I went to med school. Now I find myself missing exercise science and using my own ingenuity and talents to enhance the performance of healthy athletes in creative ways.
Are there any careers like this available for a physician? Is there any niche I could create for myself? I am afraid there aren’t…I think my best option would be in a teaching role at a college with consulting gigs on the side, and maybe moonlighting at emergency rooms as a physician for the money. I would like to hear people’s ideas about how I can make the best use of my MD while also doing what I love.

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