Tag Archive | "Explain"

How Do You Explain This Difference In Observed Yellow Swallow Habitats In Terms Of Niches And Interspecific Co?

Two species of closely related swallows live on the same continent. The black swallow lives in coniferous forests, and the yellow swallow lives in deciduous forests. On an island where the black swallow has never been introduced, the yellow swallow lives in both coniferous and deciduous forests. Explain this difference in observed yellow swallow habitats in terms of niches and interspecific competition.

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What Factors Control The Frequency Of Selectively Neutral Alleles?

I’m doing a biology lab and am struggling with the subject of selectively neutral alleles.
Two questions I need help with:
What factors control the frequency of selectively neutral alleles?
Could evolution occur if all alleles were selectively neutral? Explain why or why not.

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What Distinguishes Capitalism From Socialism?

What distinguishes capitalism from socialism? Under each system, how are economic decisions made? Is one better than the other in terms of making ‘good’ decisions about the use of scarce resources? Explain.

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Please Explain This Sentence To Me!?

I cannot seem to understand the meaning of the sentence on my school note about food spoilage and micro organisms.. can someone please explain it to me… thank you
heres the sentence,
“Micro organisms inhibit nearly every niche on earth and food supply, which are of plant or animal origin is of no exception”

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Please Explain This Sentence…..?

The banks that have followed this strategy of selling services to the low-frequency long tail of the sector have found out that it can be an important niche, long ignored by consumer banks.

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Explain This Proverb ‘is A Lizard Witness For The Fence? With A Niche Example.?

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