Tag Archive | "Fatties"

Why Do They Make Lingerie For Fatties?

This boggles my mind. What makes these obese women think any man wants to see them in a teddy or a thong or lingerie? Ladies, if your man isn’t turned on by you it isn’t the lack of silk and satin, it’s the fact that you are a BIG FAT PIG. How about you lose 75 lbs? How about you take the fork out of your mouth and locate a treadmill? Put down the cinnabuns nobody wants to see your rolls of FAT sticking out of your size 28 lingerie.
If they want to make lingerie because there is a market, I mean god bless America, love the free market. But if you think putting on a teddy to cover that big FAT cowhide is going to make us lust for you… think again. If they want to feel beautiful then maybe they should start eating fruits & veggies rather than Baconators and Cinnabuns and hit a treadmill. I don’t care what you wear, if you are a BIG FAT PIG, you aren’t sexy.

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