Posted on 30 July 2013. Tags: Again, Don't, Feel, Hopeless, Ugly, Want
hi everyone.
i’m 16… And last year I was convinced I was ugly, useless, worthless…
but this year I met new friends, who really boosted my confidence, and I got my first boyfriend.
But he then dumped me 5 weeks later.
And now my friends are never there for me when I need them, and i’m sure i’ll never meet another guy as i’m not going to college and i’ve always been home-schooled.
i’ve only just started to feel really confident about me and my looks, I don’t want to feel ugly again
please help and sorry if I sound like a *****..
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 20 May 2013. Tags: Child, Cold, empathy, Feel, Felt, love, Neglected, Treated, Undeniable, With
I hate my child hood. Even as a child I hated all people and took their presence as a threat and an impedition. I have this unreal loathing towards my own existence and I don’t feel like I should be alive. I even felt this when I was about the age of 2, and I found out recently that I’m classified as a genius. Although, for some strange reason, I feel like I was never loved when I was young; yet my family showed unconditional love for me. I still can’t stand people and I seem to have “Schizoid Personality Disorder”. Again, I can’t get around to discovering strange mental issues I have, because the internet is so “chalked with cake”. Does anybody on the ‘inter-webs’ have any insight unto what is the cause of this hatred towards the idiocy of people and the [I REALLY DON’T WANT TO SOUND LIKE A DICK BUT I HAVE NO OTHER WAY TO EXPLAIN IT] exceptional intelligence I have. I repeat: I have no reason to hate people, I have no reason to be smart, and just simply NO reason to have the personality that I do! Again, HOW on EARTH can somebody develop a mind that wasn’t developed from their CHILDHOOD?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 19 May 2013. Tags: Abercrombie, About, clothes, Feel
Hey there,
I was just curious, i saw the video about A&F clothes and the guy giving it to homeless people, but i really don’t get the criticism. I mean, homeless people can’t afford clothes, so why would they want Abercrombie?
Also, i don’t understand why people think Abercrombie is for the “cool kids”. I think it’s kind of the reverse, you buy them so you can look better and more stylish. The smaller sizes are only to accent either curves or muscle tone. Sure they don’t sell larger sizes, but i think every store has a niche, just like Victoria Secret doesn’t have male oriented items.
What do you all think?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 11 April 2013. Tags: Ever, Feel, Forward, Like, There's
So, over the past 3 weeks my life has been rough, I’ve left my boyfriend and found out my friends aren’t true friends, so I’ve cut them out of my life. I’m now at a point where I’m disheartened with everyone in society, no one cares about anyone else, its like a giant free for all out there, where have morals and loyalty dissapeared to? Why is the world full of people who take, take,take. I work hard I have a good job which I’m so greatful for, but it feels like I am living for my job and that’s it. Lately since my life has fallen apart I feel lonely. Everyday I am waking up feeling like there’s no purpose, I look around and I’m ashamed to be in a society where values have gone out the window, I am thoughtful and never treat anyone badly but I stem to draw in the type of people, like leeches, they seem to suck the life out of me until nothing is left, I’ve been having some dreadful thoughts lately, I keep thinking if I did something then people would realise what they have done.. I just feel disgusted with people, I want no association with 90% of the public who live for themselves, how can I stop feeling like there’s no way out..
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 10 April 2013. Tags: Ever, Feel, Forward, Like, There's
So, over the past 3 weeks my life has been rough, I’ve left my boyfriend and found out my friends aren’t true friends, so I’ve cut them out of my life. I’m now at a point where I’m disheartened with everyone in society, no one cares about anyone else, its like a giant free for all out there, where have morals and loyalty dissapeared to? Why is the world full of people who take, take,take. I work hard I have a good job which I’m so greatful for, but it feels like I am living for my job and that’s it. Lately since my life has fallen apart I feel lonely. Everyday I am waking up feeling like there’s no purpose, I look around and I’m ashamed to be in a society where values have gone out the window, I am thoughtful and never treat anyone badly but I stem to draw in the type of people, like leeches, they seem to suck the life out of me until nothing is left, I’ve been having some dreadful thoughts lately, I keep thinking if I did something then people would realise what they have done.. I just feel disgusted with people, I want no association with 90% of the public who live for themselves, how can I stop feeling like there’s no way out..
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 09 April 2013. Tags: crap, Feel, Like
Hello i feel like im getting a cold or something but the reality is that do u think people r brainwashed into thinking success is X when in fact it is Y, and thats why a lot of people feel bad about their lives and end up depressed because they have to fit into that mold? Do u think there r a lot of lies out there about the true definition of a successful life?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101