Posted on 28 November 2012. Tags: algebra, art, Career, film, good chance, job, math, niche, personal interests, professional level, Science, trig, video games
I’m currently dissatisfied with my major and want to change it.
My strong subjects are English and History, average with Science, and terrible with Math (especially calculus), but I’m good with trig and algebra. I have an outside talent for art, but I personally don’t believe it’s strong enough to take to a professional level.
My personal interests include mainly video games and film, but I want to make it clear that I don’t intend to get a job that is heavily involved in or dependent on either industry. I want to have a career that I actually have a good chance of getting and keeping a job in, and would prefer something broad as opposed to niche.
Based on my strengths and personal industries what should I major in?
(I did post a similar question earlier, but I was too wordy and specific, so here this is)
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 13 September 2012. Tags: bane, batpod, Better, chris nolan, christopher nolan, city acts, commissioner gordon, Dark, film, Help, intro scene, investigative work, selina kyle, wayne manor, Work
So as much as I love all Christopher Nolan’s Batman Universe I feel that the 3rd one really fell short.
I was Over hyped and Stoked for the premier of TDKR.
-I really loved to beginning when Bane Takes down the Plane and how it was all planned out.
-After that You Move on to Commissioner Gordon and his Speech, I think it was at Wayne Manor.
-Then it was the whole “intro” scene with Selina Kyle getting Bruce Wayne’s Fingerprints from his small safe
-Then from there I really enjoyed how that sparked Bruce to do investigative work on Selina Kyle and beginning to put things together.
– But when Bane breaks into The Stock Market and collects all the riches information including Wayne’s they Escape with Motorbikes but I just Simply LOVED how Chris Nolan did a good Job in introducing Batman again in the streets by killing the lights in the Tunnel and revealing himself once more. And how he eluded the cops with out sweat.
– So to those whom seen the film we all know what goes down and Batman gets double crossed by Catwoman for own life, and gets his *** handle by Bane.
-After Bane Takes over the City and Batman is trying to get his strength up for a second battle with Him.
– Well to sum it all up Batman comes back to Gotham City acts like a little girl by asking everyone for help and to get his last of his remaining belongings then faces Bane with quick fight that was not so epic, BANE cries which was so pathetic and the gets handled by a rocket from the Batpod. It was so Stupid that Bruce Wayne was way too Vulnerable in this Film I understand he’s Human but Batman is classified as a superhero only because he can do things that are beyond human. He let himself go with Talia Al Gul by trusting her. That was Bat-Mistake #1 we all know from the comics Bruce does not Trust so Easy and is overly Paranoid.
Well those were Mostly My Issues with the Film.
What I think could have been better is…
Remember when The Joker stole from the Bank and hours later Batman went to the crime scene with Lieutenant Gordan to investigate. Batman should Have investigated the Plane Crash from Bane in the beginning… He’s Batman and quitting for 8 years does not stop him from doing investigation work.
Batman is ALWAYS on top of things you think after 8 years he actually gains experience not lose them. Christopher Nolan should have Showcase a Batman that was very wise and intelligent. a Batman that instantly gives you the chills when you see him on screen how powerful his charisma as a Worlds Greatest Detective is.
Batman Should have know that he was being doubled Crossed by both Catwoman and Talia (especially Talia)
Batman Always has a plan A,B,C, ETC. when Bane took his Tumbler’s He should have had prototype Back Up in his Mansion as a secret.
Batman Needs no HELP!!! when he came back to Gotham from that HOLE he went asking for help from Fox..
I am fine Batman Making Mistakes… But only a few! and the only mistake that was tolerable was facing Bane to early thinking he could kick his butt!
After Being Handled from Bane, Batman should have been more prepared… he could have had his Batwing have a Homing Device to save him while he was down.. or call upon his bats like he did in the first movie.
Not Sure But what do you guys think!!!
I know this was a long Paragraph but it’s how I felt about the film… Over all it’s a Good Movie and I Love Seeing Christian Bale in the Batsuit.
I want Your opinions whomever saw the Film Thank 
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 18 July 2012. Tags: blog, blogs, film, followers, four months, History, niche market, page views, period, post, Stagnating, three times
I created my blog around four months ago and it is based on specific period in film history – a niche market but not too narrow. I have a few followers, post three times a week and around 50 to 100 page-views a day. I actively follow other similar blogs and comment on them. My blog has since stagnated with its growth, mainly, of comments/ followers/ page views. If anyone can give me tips to get my blog going again, that would be great!!!
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 14 April 2012. Tags: amp, Attend, college, colleges, film, music, music education, part time, Street
I would go to college A & major in film, and go to college B & major in music education (which college A doesn’t have). I would be doing college B part-time, and the two colleges are right down the street from each other (literally). Possible? The two colleges aren’t affiliated. Would I have to get permission or something from college A?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 26 November 2011. Tags: acting career, athletic ability, Audition, cincinnati ohio, film, film description, great source, Kino, low budget, movie, paranormal abilities, psychotic killers, response one, way, x men
I’m 16 and attempting to start an acting career in Ohio (don’t tell me to move to LA – i’m with an agency and there is at least a small market in every city) – anyways, i’ve found a couple great auditions from, where directors post the specifics of their films or commercials they want to cast and leave an email to contact them through. (if you live in the midwest, check it out, it’s a great source!)
I found 2 great possibilities that would work for my age – one a low budget SAG! I emailed the email they gave with my headshots and resume and received no response.
One of these was posted about a week ago and said this:
“Casting session will be November 22, 2011, so respond promptly. Online casting will be available for those 50 miles outside of Cincinnati, Ohio”
I responded the day of, and still have not recieved a response for it. Today is November 21.
The other, the SAG, said that some of the actors would need training in combat. I can’t quite explain it, so this is what they said:
“Kino 13- One of 13 fighters that protect the treasure. We are looking for looks and fighting skills/athletic ability. 11 roles open. Your audition will consist of you in your unique wardrobe, in character, then performing martial arts, gymnastics, athletic moves. NO DIALOGUE, JUST CHARACTER expressions and movement. By the way: If you do not understand the difference between on screen and real combat, DO NOT SUBMIT! We have no time for seeing who is the “best fighter ion the world” on our set! This is a MOVIE not a tournament! Here is the film description of the Kino 13, think of them as X-Men type characters, but not with super powers, other than those described.
Description: The Red Rock Project. A secret operation using the paranormal abilities of the worlds thirteen deadliest psychic, psychotic killers. Named The Kino Thirteen, they are Individuals with super senses, advanced fighting skills and sociopaths tendencies. Psychic vampires, steroid infused combat troops.
Jakob Flint’s kids-(1) Male, teen age ***(1)Female-teen age***. The unlucky children of the film’s star, Jakob Flint. They are held hostage by Vanzetti and his men and meet a quick demise, Mafia style. Ages: 13-17, Caucasian. No dialog. For these auditions, the teen agers in question need to do a monologue of their choice from any movie featuring an emotional range for a teen ager. This monologue must run no longer than 3 minutes. There are no lines in the film, but ACTING talent through emoting is ESSENTIAL!”
Because of the way they spaced it on the page, I can’t tell if they meant that even Jakob Flint’s daughter needs combat training, so I emailed to clarify and also sent my other information. Did I ruin it by doing this?
Sorry if that was confusing, and if you skipped to here, basically I sent in a request to audition for 2 films that I would reallllly like to do, but recieved no response. I don’t want to be annoying and submit again (I wouldn’t do that) but I don’t know how to not let this opportunity slip from my fingers!! Help!
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 15 October 2011. Tags: best evidence, computer, copyright infringement case, defendant, evidence, film, firm, internet account, john doe, lawyer, piracy, pirates, pornographic films, settlement, thousand dollars
I’ve been caught up in the trolling efforts of a well-known firm that pursues possible pirates of pornographic films. I’m innocent, I’ve never even heard of the film and I don’t participate in piracy. I’m willing to offer my computer to be searched to clear my name, though they’re pressing for a settlement of a few thousand dollars before they publicly name me as a defendant (one of those ‘John Doe’ situations). Seeing as the best evidence they have is an IP address that was somehow affiliated with my internet account, do I even need to hire a lawyer for this?
Posted in Featured Articles