Posted on 01 June 2011. Tags: com, computer, computer problem, computer repair, dime a dozen, financial situation, finding a job, making money online, moeny, money, residual income, site, slicethepie, Want, web domain
Well recently ive been unemployed, and i’m looking for ways to make enough money online to pay my bills. I don’t need much around 20-25 dollars every day for 7 days a weak. I don’t mind putting in 4-6 hours a day to reach this. And for the ones that say it’s impossible, and have already made me around 20 dollars a day, although it takes around 10-11 hours of work.
Any way i have been considering starting a blog or something, the problem is i don’t really know where to start.
the niche that i enjoy, since i know i would have to write about something that i enjoy
Gaming ( mainly MMORPGs and such )
And Computer support. I enjoy helping people fix a computer problem and so on
The other would be just off the wall stuff like
The thing with computer repair is i have many year experience in it, it’s just finding a job around my home town is almost impossible in this field.
Okay, so i’m not sure how to focus a blog on computer repair, or mmorpgs. The only ideas i can come up with are for a computer repair it would have to be almost like a forum, you ask a question i give you answers but those are a dime a dozen right now. Mmorpgs i can only think of doing websites similar to or but again thats not really a blog. So i don’t really know how to do a blog about the subjects.
Also due to my financial situation right now it would be best if i didnt’ have to purchase a web domain or hosting as right now i don’t have the money. Of course i wouldn’t mind using a place like and starting the blog there, and when i get the moeny moving it to my own domain. And just posting ont he weebly site where the new site is located. But any way, i’m wanting to start building a residual income. I don’t care if it’s starting at 10-20 dollars a month, i can learn to make it grow and multiply. And as for the people who like to say it’s impossible shut up i’ve been making money online, albeit the hard way, i’ve done it.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 29 August 2010. Tags: art class, Bakery, baking class, business suit, cake, college, dream job, filipina girls, finding a job, great potential, having some sort, health sciences course, Niches, sort, Want
Hi guys, I’m going to be a freshman in college this upcoming fall. I’m filipino and a girl.. I dunno if you guys know the stereotype of how filipina girls are nurses and such, it’s somewhat true, because ALL of my aunts are nurses, besides my mom. She wanted to wear a business suit and work in a cubicle.
My mom has stressed all my life how I will be set with money + having a job when I get out of school. She has told me all these things about nursing that just made me feel so set.. So I grew up wanting to be a nurse. I took a health sciences course, and it was alright. It was nice to wear the lab coat and go see surgeries and shadow doctors and such, but…
lately I’ve been having some sort of doubt when I think of nursing. Although I would be making good money, have no trouble finding a job, I don’t know if this is really what I want to be. I’m just SUPER confused about what to do, because I don’t know if a job is really something you’re supposed to like, that’s what it seems. My mom says how ‘it’s just a dream job’, nursing is what will keep you living well.
Baking is a hobby of mine, and it relaxes me, and I feel so free when I bake. My niches are being creative, and drawing. I don’t like saying it, but I have always been the ‘good drawer’ in class, and I don’t know how to explain it, I know I have great potential to be a baker… This is what I made for a cake walk. I only used those $1 cake mixes, but I tried to make them pretty:
I made 10 cakes in 12 hours..
I’ve never had a baking class or even really an art class… Agh, this is sort of just a rant, but I honestly don’t know what to do…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 22 August 2010. Tags: Affiliate, affiliate programs, finding a job, hard time, hey guys, Legit, Plz, surveys, Time, way to make money, Work
Hey guys, I am currently out of work and having a very hard time finding a job. I am wondering is there a legit way to make money online besides surveys and the affiliate programs. Plz help me out. I will really appreciate it.
Posted in Featured Articles