Tag Archive | "food production"

How Do You Feel About This?

Religious affiliated people have been praying for God to magically intervene as he did when Jesus was around to end disease and starvation.
Meanwhile in the last century science has completely irradicated several diseases, made many more non-lethal, and come up with ways to to actually increase food production per capita with technologies since the 1950s when it was assumed then that humanitys growth would outrun food production. This was all made possible by applying scienctific laws and theories that thoroughly clash with the bible’s claims such as a 6000 year old earth or immediate creation of all animals in one day.
Maybe instead of going to church and praying every Sunday, the world would get better if people instead used that time to get ambitious and learn something relevant to the real world and make a difference that will actually help others as many bold engineers, scientists and inventors have done before. We gave the bible a shot for several hundred years and ended up with the “Dark Ages.” And the second logic, reason and the Enlightenment come along(things that scared the bible bashers of the day) we see the rapid advancement of Humanity and Civilization.

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