Posted on 24 May 2013. Tags: Foods, Labeled, market, Want
I sure do. (Looks like we’d better call our congresscritters if we care.)
An amendment inserted into the 2013 Farm Bill passed by the House of Representatives’ Agriculture Committee Wednesday would revoke the ability of individual states’ lawmakers to pass GMO-labeling laws, food advocates warn.
The amendment, introduced by Rep. Steve King, a California Republican, is the newest salvo in an ongoing battle between food advocates and companies like Monsanto that create and sell genetically modified and genetically engineered seeds, which grow into GMO crops and find their way into an estimated 70 percent of processed foods in American grocery stores.…
Why Should I avoid GMOs?…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 02 February 2013. Tags: Diet, Foods, Healthy, What
Hello I’m a 14 year old girl I know my body isn’t perfect i would never starve myself anything like that I just ant to eat healthy and workout I don’t have a flat stomach and that is a goal I would like to get because I want to get my belly button pierced this summer currently I’m doing the Victoria secret work out I love it there such beautiful powerful women who I look up to so its nice they have workout videos on YouTube but what should I eat for breakfast,lunch,dinner and snack ? Thanks 
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 18 October 2012. Tags: Foods, gift, gift cards, idea, Live, market, whole foods, whole foods market
I received 2 Whole Foods gift cards from a friend who lives across the country. I do not live anywhere near a Whole Foods market. Any idea if these can be used at markets that might be affiliated with Whole Foods?
Posted in Featured Articles