With the full might and propaganda of the Murdoch media empire(FOX News, the Wall Street Journal, all the FOX affiliates and all the Murdoch papers) behind him will the Republican Party cave and nominate Rick Santorum?
Posted on 03 January 2012.
With the full might and propaganda of the Murdoch media empire(FOX News, the Wall Street Journal, all the FOX affiliates and all the Murdoch papers) behind him will the Republican Party cave and nominate Rick Santorum?
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Posted on 10 November 2011.
American Atheist Leader Calls for the ‘Eradication’ of ‘Christians’?
Al Stefanelli (Could be a Westboro alumni) is the Georgia State Director for American Atheists, Inc., and has he called for “murdering” of people for what they believe?
Is this not a “Hate Speech”? Are atheists showing their true hate and racism? Comments from FOX affiliates and The Blaze. Over The Atheist Fundie Leaders Comments
Did they OD on stupid pills… Eradicate Christians? Meet the christians! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWS-FoXbj…
Good luck with that.
Update: The American Atheist Inc. Leader has “Stepped down” as President of AA Inc.(Not to be confused with Alcoholics Anonymous Inc.) Probably had nothing to do with the FBI investigation of death threats. The Fundie Prez said “He did not intend to eradicate any living people” What? IDK maybe they were going to knock over a few Christian headstones and call it halloween
Or Dig a few up and mix up the bones.
As an agnostic IDK and can’t call the man a liar or the village atheist fundie. But “American Atheist Inc.” does anagram to “Anarchic anti-semite” Probably just a coincidence like “An Atheist” anagrams to “I the Satan” … Or God to Dog (Man’s best friend)
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