Posted on 30 November 2011. Tags: Choice, deficit, drug cartels, Drugs, flying spaghetti monster, fox news, jail sentences, king george iii, legalization, legalization of drugs, legalization of pot, newt gingrich, pot smoking, reincarnation of jesus, station
Obama promised change, but things have stayed exactly the same. Many Democrats are disgusted with him. Some Democrats may vote for him simply because it is their affiliated party. The same goes for Republicans. They too don’t want Obama reelected, but they will vote for candidates due to their party affiliation.
If FOX News or CNN or ANY other news station says a Republican candidate is electable or is “in the lead” *cough* Newt Gingrich *cough*, then the Republicans jump on the bandwagon. They are like sheep – stupid, brainwashed, easily-molded sheep. They don’t know about politics, and if they think they do, most candidates lie anyways. Look at Obama, Bush, Cain, Gingrich, Romney, Perry, and all of the others. There is one man who stands out, though – Ron Paul, possibly the reincarnation of Jesus/Buddha/Allah/The Flying Spaghetti Monster himself.
Ron Paul does not advocate the legalization of drugs as many think, but rather he wants to give states the choice. This country was founded on state power. The federal government reigns supreme, however. We might as well have King George III as our president. Anyways, drug cartels only exist because drugs are illegal. The War on Drugs OBVIOUSLY doesn’t work with… oh, I don’t know… about 55% of the population supporting the legalization of pot and probably more smoking it? This futile War also strengthens the drugs cartels. Hard choice, right? Obviously, meth, crack, and the like are much more controversial. But weed is causing violence, filling up our prisons, and making us pay taxes.
Do you, dear reader, know how much money our government spends annually to pay for pot-smoking “criminals'” jail sentences? A whopping 7 BILLION DOLLARS ANNUALLY. If we got rid of that, we would forget all about the deficit. What deficit? Exactly <3 One last point in this subject is an excise tax on marijuana, just like on alcohol and cigarettes. This is more cash flow to help with the recession.
Why do so many people think he is unelectable? He has young people's votes, veterans' votes, soldiers' votes, stoners' votes, economists' votes, and many Independent and Democratic votes. Blue Republicans are people that are usually Democrats but are registering Republican ONLY to VOTE for RON PAUL. And oh boy are there a lot of Blue Republicans. Independents would rather vote for Ron Paul than Obama or the mainstream GOP. Speaking of mainstream, why doesn't FOX News, or any other station for that matter, talk about Ron Paul? They say the front-runners are Cain, Romney, and Gingrich, but they fail to mention that Ron Paul is up there with them, actually surpassing Gingrich and Cain and close to Romney. He is winning in Iowa, haven't you heard? If not, then Google "Ron Paul Iowa." I'm sure you'll find plenty of pages on this.
The mainstream do not want him getting attention because the Republicans want a filthy, lying candidate – a candidate that goes against what he advocates.
He has the highest electability among all of the Republican candidates. If Romney runs, how many Democrats or Independents are going to vote for him instead of their own respective parties. If Ron Paul runs, he will get a massive amount of votes from Democrats, Independents, and Republicans, most of which will vote for him ONLY because he is Republican… but no matter. He is the only option.
Any other areas, which there are PLENTY of, people should write about
I don't feel like writing more right now because I have a shitload of college homework to do before finals.
Happy St. Paul's Day :3
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 21 May 2011. Tags: Facebook, fox affiliate, fox news, freedom, freedom of speech, infraction, Network, news, old tacoma, school security, security guard, service, social networking, son, timi
As Fox News noted in its own coverage of the incident, the network had earlier been covering a story about another apparent Secret Service social networking-related gaffe: Its visit to a 13-year-old Tacoma, Wash., resident at his school, where agents interrogated the boy without his mother present. His infraction? Warning on Facebook that the president should be vigilant against possible terrorist attacks in the aftermath of Osama bin Laden’s death.
Timi Robertson, the boy’s mother, told local Fox affiliate Q13 that she “just about lost it,” when a school security guard called her to inform her that her son was being interrogated. “My 13-year-old son is supposed to be safe and secure in his classroom, and he’s being interrogated without my knowledge or consent privately.”
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 03 May 2011. Tags: airplane, airplane crash, bin ladin, body, fox news, heart of the city, Islamic, islamic tradition, islamic traditions, Obama, tenth time, twin tower, upcoming elections, Water, way
Do u think it is true? doesnt it look so fake. such a drama!
Her it says:…
“Does this change your opinion of Obama? Is it okay to cheer a man dying, no matter how awful he was? Is everyone at Fox News and its affiliates a moron?”
Plus they have said it like nine times and there is no proof.
Lemme tell u the actual story!
Obama is being criticized by Americans for wasting Money over the so-called “war on terrorism” in Afghanistan and Pakistan. And now he has upcoming elections. so, the point is, that he just wanted to get his a** out of Pakistan and Afghanistan and it wud be too embarrassing to collect ur stuff and run away so he set up all this drama then quickly dumped some unknown person in the water and said YAYYY HE’S DEAD!!WE DID IT!!!YAYYYY!
r we idiots? were we born yesterday so u can fool us by taking our caps off and saying a bird took them??
He says they followed the Islamic traditions of burying the body within 24 hours. but HEY! it is NOT Islamic tradition to throw a dead body in water!!
go read a book!
Learn to lie first then come back and try again!
USA cannot be trusted. i cant believe u for the tenth time! all i said at the news was :HUH! L-O-L..again???
this man died like 10 times! who knows wen’s the 11th! start of the next presidency???
and HOW cud any airplane enter in the HEART of the city to destroy the twin towers!
ANOTHER fake story!!! even if they did it was the negligence of the authorities in US to not censor it! and BTW! the way the twin tower collapsed was NOT due to an airplane crash. it was weakened at the base. All a part of the US drama!!
You saw ONE 9/11. U show Pakistan a 9/11 EVERYday!!and they’re gonna hunt YOU down and kill u in the real way! not a drama like urs!!
if they dont know how to lie, why dont they stop trying???
Dear OBAMA bin Ladin: You’re a horrible lier. Do u realize that???
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 17 April 2011. Tags: Beaten, fox news, market, Network, network news, news, news program, niche, niche market
…the “highest rated news program” when it’s only in their tiny niche market?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 08 February 2011. Tags: broadcast network, Continue, disgruntled employees, farce, fox news, jane akre, Liberals, Lie, lies, network affiliate, news, nonsense, wiki, wikipedia
Liberals continue the farce that Fox news lies- even after Obama said last night that he respects Fox News.
Liberals try to associate Fox News with a singular Fox BROADCAST Network affiliate in Florida that was sued by a couple of disgruntled employees.
Yet, the citizens of Liberal Koolaidia still spread the li that Fox News went to court for the right to lie. I suggest you report anyone who continues to spread this nonsense.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 29 December 2010. Tags: AIT, Background, BCT, cbrn, constructive answers, desire, enlistee, fox news, ft leonard wood, initial mos, physical demands, Psyops, scandinavian languages, semi pro football
I am currently recruited to going into 74D (CBRN) leaving for Ft. Leonard Wood to attend BCT and AIT there from March 14th, 2010-sometime in August. My main goal however, and what got me to sign, was my desire to serve in PsyOps (or MISO…still can’t get over the name change, lol) largely due to my 20 years professional b/g in marketing, negotiations, and language (Scandinavian languages thanks to family, and I have studied Russian and Japanese off and on for about 5 years). My last company was a FOX News affiliate to I owned and operated, with most of my background in business and broadcasting, as well as print media. You can probably see where my attraction to 37F comes from.
I also recently left playing semi-pro football to give you some insight on my physical b/g, although running miles is something I still getting used to having mostly only running sprints for several years and I am aware there are physical demands as well in PsyOps from what I’ve learned. I am 38 now (turning 39 in Feb.). My question to anyone who has actually served closely or in 37F is the reality of me making PsyOps (1) and (2) what is the likely-hood of me serving with my boot son the ground for a few years and then transferring into a role that would serve in an embassy somewhere or the Pentagon? The reason for this question is b/c I’m blind to the fact I am getting older and would be in 40’s by that time and not sure how long someone my age could serve in the field and could see serving better in a strategic role later on, rather than tactical, although 9th BN looks tempting. I would like to switch over to 37F ASAP after completing AIT for 74D and ‘no’ I do not have a degree.
Also, I am looking for constructive answers here or feedback. As anyone joining PsyOps, you cannot just join as an enlistee, you have to enlist in an initial MOS before going into PsyOps to explain my enlistment into 74D. After which, I’ve been told I can immediately try to enlist into 37F and try to get accepted as it is a Spec Ops unit, everybody has to be accepted first. Correct me if I’ve been told wrong here, but please, be someone who actually knows what they are telling me, preferably someone IN 37F. Thank you in advance. 
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