Tag Archive | "free markets"

Is Romney’s Secret Plan To Revitalize The Economy To Attack Iran?

An extended grouind war in the Middle East and many the reinstating the military draft would put millions of people back to work, building tanks, airplanes and bombs.
Millions of our young people would have the chance to serve their country while making the world a better place with free markets and democracy.
WW2 pulled the U.S. out of the Great Depression and if this war were conducted properly it could save the United States.

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Is Romney’s Secret Plan To Revitalize The Economy To Attack Iran?

An extended grouind war in the Middle East and many the reinstating the military draft would put millions of people back to work, building tanks, airplanes and bombs.
Millions of our young people would have the chance to serve their country while making the world a better place with free markets and democracy.
WW2 pulled the U.S. out of the Great Depression and if this war were conducted properly it could save the United States.

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)

Would You Agree To Let Young People Opt Out Of Social Security If They Wanted And Invest That Money Elsewhere?

What’s the lesser of two evils? Opting out and investing in the free markets, or getting 16% less of what you put into social security in the first place?http://finance.yahoo.com/focus-retiremen…

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