Tag Archive | "freedom"

Can The Fbi Lock You Out Of Signing Up At Media Sites Like Cnn, Politico, Daily Caller, And Infowars?

If someone posted this, does the government have a right to disable accounts?
Several editors and online moderators either do not believe in freedom of press or they’re terrorist sympathizers.
Today is the day for patriotic Americans to stand together and join the war on terrorism. I encourage you to login or register at all major news sites and share this message.
Mark Joyner Simpleology-Seif Al Adel is the FBI’s new #1 terrorist hiding in plain sight and posing as “the godfather” of internet marketing.
If you Google “Mark Joyner Simpleology-Seif Al Adel” you can learn all the untold secrets of the Al-Qaeda organization. Skip over researching the domains of major media news sites including television, and radio. Share this message with everyone.
Is free speech and freedom of press still a constitutional right in the United States?

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The Us Government And Human Rights!?

As it is proved before in Iraq and Afghanistan, the US government knows nothing of Human Rights…; and now you can see it in Libya, Yemen and Bahrain.
Bahraini forces have cracked down on the anti-regime protesters with the help of Saudi, the UAE and Kuwaiti troops. Many people have gone missing since the beginning of the revolution.
“the American administration always tries to show the world they represent democracy, but on the other hand they’re giving the green light to the Bahraini dictatorship to do whatever they want to the Bahraini people and that is very, very, shameful,” human rights activist Zainab al-Khawaja told Press TV from Manama on Monday.
“It’s not just words, freedom and human rights and justice are not just words. You cannot claim to be behind change and freedom and then in Bahrain support dictators with all you have and stay silent over all of human rights abuses,” she added.
On Sunday, al-Khawaja was taken to hospital after seven days of hunger strike following the arrest of her father, uncle, husband and brothers-in-law.
The 27-year-old had her father, Abdulhadi al-Khawaja — a prominent Bahraini opposition figure — and her husband Mohammad al-Masqati violently being taken away by the forces.
The family members and human rights activists said that masked officers burst into al-Khawaja’s home on April 9 and assaulted her father and husband.
Reports from the Center’s colleagues in the United States say “In the US some news agencies and TV stations were asked not to report on Bahrain….” Rajab told Press TV.
He went on to say that the US and the Western governments have chosen to keep silent over ongoing atrocities in Bahrain due to their support for the country’s authoritarian regime
PressTV has interview Rodney Shakespeare, Chairman of the Committee against Torture in Bahrain, from London to discuss the issue further more.
PressTV: I’m looking at the website for Bahrain Center for Human Rights. It says more than three hundred and seventy people have been detained or are missing within days of the imposition of the national safety including twelve women. When you compare it to Libya, the Americans have been saying that Muammar Gaddafi has lost his legitimacy, [and] that he has to go because of using force against his people. But no such calls on the part of the Americans on the Bahraini ruler to step down for pretty much the same reason.
Shakespeare: This is sinister fascism. The Bahraini rulers are maniac killers and they brought in another lot of killers, the Saudis. Behind this fascism is the USA and you quoted what US Secretary State Hilary Clinton said and people do not quite see the meaning. She said that any government may bring in foreign troops to kill their own citizens and that means that the American government may bring in foreign troops or use its own troops to kill American citizens. That fascism is now a lot in the Middle East.
If I may say so, America does not have long term interests in the Persian Gulf. It should get its oil on the market like anybody else. The problem is that an out-of-date American policy is linked with the Israeli regime giving either secret or open support to a Zionist Israel and that is the crux of the matter. And that explains why the Americans feel they can intervene in Libya because Libya is not crucial to the maintenance of the totalitarian, authoritarian regimes in the Middle East and their support for the Zionist Israel which is [a] paranoid attack dog and it’s totally out of control and it has no intention ever allowing an independent Palestine.
So yes there was a deal between the Saudis who basically steamroller the other members of the (Persian) Gulf Cooperation Group to agree to giving support in Libya and, in exchange, the fascist have been let loose in Bahrain and the Americans ordered it. There are 4,500 troops in Bahrain and they said “do it.” Because if Bahrain or Saudi Arabia did not want to do it, the Americans could have stopped them immediately. I say it was an American order. It is fascism in Bahrain, fascism in the Middle East and it’s a fascism which is coming to the United States and Hillary Clinton does said so.
PressTV: Why is Iran being blamed for what is happening in Bahrain and how likely is a military confrontation or any confrontation between the Saudi Arabia and Iran as a result?
Shakespeare: There are two countries which are deliberately trying to involve the Americans in a war with Iran. The first is Saudi Arabia. It is a country which is profoundly unstable. If they dare to ever have an election, 98 percent of the population will vote out the existing corrupt … regime and so they are playing their foreign card that is blaming everything that they can on Iran. The other one also playing the same foreign card is Israel and Israel’s policy is to create chaos in the Middle East in which it can expand. Those are two countrie

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Why Should I Be Proud To Be American?

I am a 21 year old white guy. What is there really to be proud of in america. we came here killed thousands of people to steal the land. enslaved Indian’s and blacks to do all the work. when freedom was granted it was still bull sh** freedom. our government has the biggest history of f****ing with 3rd world country’s in the guise of humanitarian intervention but has always secretly been in the name of capitalism, to make sure we had a foreign market for our goods. If citizens want change in the country it takes years and years of peaceful protest and then the government does just enough to shut us up. Most nations in the world hate us because of what our leaders choose to do. Has anyone watched “Secrets of the CIA”? They admit all the wrong they do just to fund their operations from drug sales to arms sales. If we don’t like a leader we help some B.S. dictator take over because he will do more of what we want, then we let them run free in the country usually resulting in the death of thousands of people. If you don’t know what i’m talking about just read “A Peoples History of the United States” by Howard Zinn. or watch “Secrets of the CIA”. After watching that video and all af the absolutely illegal, inhumane, and absurd things things they did on behalf of the us government or in the name of American interests (which is again usually capitalism, that only the elite in america benefit from) I have to wonder….. If we obviously know what they have done why do we still have a CIA?
Next: I do not vote… Why? because I get B.S. options. no one really cares about me or anyone I know. It cost a heep of money to have a successful campaign, so the president elects have to make sure they keep all the rich people happy so they will fund their campaign…. does not sound like a proper democracy to me… They find ways for government officials to launder money and tax cuts for the super rich, but the only way they can balance the budget is to take from education. I am not a genius or anything, but wouldn’t it make sense to invest as much as possible into the education of the future generations??? That way when all the old guys die we are not left with a bunch of idiots who cant afford school. But o yeah we cant because we are to busy pumping billions and billions…… and billions into military. I understand we need a strong military especially how messed up the world is, but I don’t understand how they screw the really important thing… American freedom and overall happiness of the nation.
I am just saying that it seams to me there is really no reason to be proud of my country. The only people who are truly free are the rich people and the politicians. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer but the only ones who care are the poor.
Im sure someone will talk about all the freedoms we have……… well all threought my life I was made to believe that we are the only place that is free. What about all of the other western nations??? France citizens appear to have just as much freedom as me. plus their education and healthcare is free. I would love to get out of here but unfortunately I was born in the bottom class of society and will probably never be able to change that.
By the way why does it seem all americans are so pissed about immigration? I understand when people come from mexico to make money and take back with them.. But it seems to me that everyone wants to stop people from moving here when even the founding fathers were illegal immigrants themselves.
Not to seem like i’m just bashing america but I just cant find anything good in our true history. everything we have overcome from slavery and so forth is just stuff our leaders or we have done to ourselves.
Does anyone feel the same? I look up these topics online and it I cant find many similar opinions. If your opinion differs from mine please post just keep it appropriate.
thanks to all.

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Why Doesn’t The Tea Party Repeal The 21 Drinking Age For Everyone?

It’s no secret that the Tea party claims to follow the constitution like a 2nd bible. That being said, why don’t Tea Party Republicans seriously consider repealing the 21 drinking age for everyone (not just members of the military). That would be very consistent with their ideology, since the federal government and the supreme court B S-ed their way around the constitution when the law was passed. Plus, remember that the Tea Party marketed itself as an organization that defends freedom. If they truly defend freedom, then they should be against the government telling legal adults what types of beverages they can have and at what age. What do you say?

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Why Doesn’t The Tea Party Repeal The 21 Drinking Age For Everyone?

It’s no secret that the Tea party claims to follow the constitution like a 2nd bible. That being said, why don’t Tea Party Republicans seriously consider repealing the 21 drinking age for everyone (not just members of the military). That would be very consistent with their ideology, since the federal government and the supreme court B S-ed their way around the constitution when the law was passed. Plus, remember that the Tea Party marketed itself as an organization that defends freedom. If they truly defend freedom, then they should be against the government telling legal adults what types of beverages they can have and at what age. What do you say?

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Why Doesn’t The Tea Party Repeal The 21 Drinking Age For Everyone?

It’s no secret that the Tea party claims to follow the constitution like a 2nd bible. That being said, why don’t Tea Party Republicans seriously consider repealing the 21 drinking age for everyone (not just members of the military). That would be very consistent with their ideology, since the federal government and the supreme court B S-ed their way around the constitution when the law was passed. Plus, remember that the Tea Party marketed itself as an organization that defends freedom. If they truly defend freedom, then they should be against the government telling legal adults what types of beverages they can have and at what age. What do you say?

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