Tag Archive | "Gas"

In The Us, How Can A Find Which Atm’s Have The Cheapest Withdrawal Fees?

In the US, how can a find which ATM’s have the cheapest withdrawal fees, without finding out the hard way by using them? I was hoping for a list, whether it be ATM’s by banks, credit unions, or in gas stations, so I can know which charge the least amount to access my money, if Im using a non-affiliated ATM card.

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Is The Uk Energy Market A Monopoly?

Is it fate or have the energy companies just got a total monopoly? They have all dropped their prices by 5% in the same week. If its was a competition wouldn’t one go further bny doing say 7.5% etc
After watching that watchdog and seeing a graph that clearly showed that they have consistantly, for the past few years, kept prices almost indentical to each other at a higher rate than many gas and electric production price falls, why do we put up with them?
Is there a mother company pulling strings or more likely secret meetings with all the execs basically fixing prices and sharing customers by changing the tariffs and forcing people to go with the cheapest?

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No One Is Helping Me With My Chem Work?

its a periodic table with fake elements and we have to decide what they are based on clues. well im clueless. this class is not my niche.
AB Is one of the mose abundant elements in the Earths crust. it is a gas somewhat more dense than air. it will combine with all elements except the nobel gases.

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Do You Think Fuel / Gas Prices Are Being Artificially Inflated?

LiBya accounts for less than 3% of the total crude used by the USA, or affiliates.
Do you think the Big-Oil Companies are simply SCREWING us and taking advantage in a Horrible Economy?
Most people are forced to consider when or where they will go when prices get this high.
We were slated to take a trip to go camping, with a rental of an RV. When we added up the rental , AND fuel, we could go on a Cruise for the same 4 days.
To drive 600 miles round trip, costs about 500 dollars in Diesel fuel, and then the rental , 500 dollars as well. Then add food, and costs to Rent a piece of Campsite DiRT to park the RV on, $60 a night, it starts to look like a LOT of money to go “camping”.

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