Tag Archive | "god didn"

How Is Free Will Possible If Everything Happens For A Reason?

So god works through people right? And people have free will right? So did god make everyone with a vision in mind of the choices they were going to make in life?
I have a choice tomorrow.
I can:
A.) Rob a bank
B.) Go to school.
Regardless of the two choices I can only live one reality. Now even though it’s MY choice, how do I know it’s really MY choice? How do I wasn’t MEANT to make a set of choices from the instant god created me?
So are how can I be sure that predestination isn’t real. (NOT SAYING PREDESTINATION AND THE BIBLE ARE AFFILIATED.)
I just find this interesting.
Even if you don’t believe in god, this is still a good thing to consider.
Despite what we think, are we bound to a certain fate regardless of what we think?
And by saying that god didn’t make us knowing what we’d do with our free will, then does that mean god can’t see the future? Then how would he know what people he would work through to make this world a better place? (Atheists Ignore this paragraph.)

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Christians Why Do You Give God Credit For Things Other People Give You?

I am not atheist nor am i theist i am not affiliated with any religion whatsoever but it pisses me off when some christian comes and gives credit to god for any favor done for them by another person recently my
brother recovered from a car accident and all these people are saying “thank god he is well” god didn’t save him professionals in the health care industry working day and night without rest did and i know some are you are gonna answer with “god sent those people to him to save him” but wouldn’t that go against your ideal of free will isn’t god sending us to do his bidding without asking basically him controlling us like puppets?

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